Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Empty Thoughts and Ramblings ~ Feel Free To Add To Them!

Wow, I think this is actually the first time that I've gone to blog without a specific idea in mind. How sad...

I'll just let my fingers do the walking and I am sure that my thoughts will eventually catch up.

Yesterday I got paid to take care of two of the most well-behaved children on the face of the earth. Maryn Rose -almost 3, and Gage - 15 months. They live in a big farm house out in the middle of a corn field (insert Children of the Corn music here). They are the two youngest in a family of 4 children and have parents that juggle 40 hour week jobs and farming, as many families in this area do. It was a lot of fun to experience a day in the life of motherhood. (insert the Matt Elliott rendition of "Someday" here.)

As I type, my Roomba is busy at work making the white burber carpet in the living room appear to be clean. I came home yesterday to meet two new stains right at the edge of the living room floor. Today, I sent them to meet their Savior. I just love removing stains. It goes back to the immediate gratification deal that mowing gives me as well. I can tell that men who obviously do not realize how difficult keeping a clean house can be, designed our house and all of the others in the neighborhood. Anyone who puts white floors in a house needs to be institutionalized!

In 12 days I will begin my second semester as a graduate student. I was looking over my registration the other day and came across the "F" word ~ "FRESHMAN". I almost had to sit down on a freshly made bed, it hit me that hard (BTW, sitting on a made bed is cause for certain repercutions in the Hale house, some random tick I picked up from Mema, blame her ~ nothings ever my fault!)!!! I didn't go through six & a half years of undergrad in order to be labeled a freshman all over again. This is just an atrocity!!!

I'll stop here, Roomba has sung her "Your floor is now clean!" song. I'm off to empty her and put her back to work. There's just no rest for the weary!!!

Tidings of Joy... and clean carpet! :)


SG said...

Amen to the white carpet! It is the bain of my existence! So now I am content with letting the stains grow together. What in the world is a ROOMBA?

Mae said...

A Roomba, my dear, is THE reason for having clean floors. It's an automatic vaccum cleaner. All you have to do is push a button and she does the floor cleaning for you, hardwood, linoleum, carpet, and rugs too! It is fantastic and worth every penny ~ she even came with a remote! I'll post a picture of her hard at work when B comes back home w/ the digital camera. Kind of like having a Rosie on the Jetsons, except she doesn't talk, she sings... :)

Clarissa said...

Dare I ask what her pricetag might've said?

Mae said...

She was $249 with free shipping, free accessories and a life time warranty. Now you can get the upgrade for $269 w/ all of that stuff too. I'll take my origianl Pro Elite, not trading her in for anything! Check out for details. Picture to come in a few... :)

Serena Voss said...

I look forward to the picture of the Roomba or I may check it out online. Sounds like a bargain if it does all of that.

Our carpet is a veregated, two-toned taupe, or should I say West-Texas sand to West-Texas dust. It doesn't show anything my hubby drags home. : )