Thursday, July 22, 2004

No more teachers, no more books

no more sitting in class for four hours a night,
no more Taco Bell Chicken Quesadillas in the car at 10:00 at night,
no more dodging armadillos and deer on the back roads,
no more looking at dead, bloated cows lying on the side of the road waiting to go to the tannery,
no more stressing over ten page papers,
no more reading about empathy until 2:00 in the morning,
lots more nights at home with my hubby,
lots more time to relax,
lots more time to paint my living room (a soothing latte color BTW)
and best of all... It's for THREE WHOLE WEEKS!!!

Summer vacation is finally here and I AM SO ELATED!!!! Tomorrow I am headed down to Mobile to visit with dear friends, see a wedding, and in my down time I'll go to the beach, read a good book (maybe Beth Moore, it's been a while since I've visited with her) and fall asleep to the sound of the waves hitting the shore line. Tell me, what could be better than that?

A new instance came suddenly upon me yesterday. Brandon and I were talking about finances and I said I'd be happy to get a job if it was needed. He said it wasn't necessary, but would help out, so I have a teaching application sitting in front of me. It's due by Monday, and if offered the position I'll basically start immediately.

I'm not sure if this is the best route for us to take, but I'm sure that I could be a fabulous, memorable, highly energetic teacher. Heck, I can have fun making slop as long as the people around me are fun too. I did a good job when I student taught, I just know that I have plans other than teaching (plus, I'm not an apple sweater person, not to label or sterotype, but you know what I'm talking about, right?). And I'm not exactly one to conform to all ways sent down from the central office and just teach "the test".

It's all just a lot to process, and could really change the dynamics of our family and affect the speediness of my grad school work. Please pray with us, it's all very new and out of my hands (well, except for turning in the application, which I'll do tomorrow). I'm not sure how it will turn out, and I'm kind of scared. I don't take rejection well and there is only one teaching job open in the county. My shoulders and neck are tensing up, so I'm gonna pack for the beach and think happy thoughts!

Tidings of Joy, the beach, sun, weddings, and ... even getting a 'real' job! :)


Donna G said...

Every student would be elated to have a "fun, happy, slightly nuts" teacher like you. Don't know you personally but can relate to the whole "apple sweater" thing, don't sound like you, certainly not me!

Enjoy the beach. My favorite place to be in the whole world!! Not jealous, O.K. a little jealous.

Anonymous said...


I wish I'd thought to ask about your route to Mobile. If you traveled I-65, you could've stopped and visited with DJG and me! We're doing Weight Watchers so it's not like we could've met for a milkshake or anything. A milkshake would be good right now, or a bag of BBQ chips and a Dr. Pepper.

Now that you're finished with studying, you'll start those nightmares that I still have about missing an exam or realizing that I've been skipping a class for an entire semester!