Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Happy Places

When I am having a pitty party of one, for one, I have places that I go to. Sometimes they deepen the pain or sorrow, but more often that not, they lift my spirit. I have had a pitty party for myself today, and then I chose to do something about the factors that I have control over.

One place that makes me happy is blogland. Specifically reading Mike Cope, Clarissa Cox, Judy Thomas, SG, and my old pal Jon Owen.

Another place I go is to the Bible, especially the books written by Paul. His message is always consistent. God loves you, I love you, keep on keepin' on.

And for a Mae soul massage, I go to the drawer in my kitchen where I keep all the cards and notes from friends. It's nice to know that you are loved and thought highly of, even when you don't particularly deserve to be.

Where do you go for your soul massage?


Clarissa said...
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Clarissa said...
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Clarissa said...

Okay, so now they both appear simultaneously and the trashcan sends me to the login page instead of deleting. Craziness.

Clarissa said...

Hah! Too funny. Now they're gone. Well, to reiterate my first two comments -- I go to the piano and to the Psalms and to my husband's arms.

John Owens said...

I would prefer you use the term "OLE" pal instead of "OLD" pal. One is endearing. The other make me sound ancient. I'm 30 and proud of it. And that is NOT old. :)

Mae said...

Ok Jon, you dork. Ol' pal. Is that better? Hopefully I'll get to see you at Kevin's wedding, must re-schedule a final in order to make it, but am pretty sure I'll be able to do so. Mobile, AL here I come!