Sunday, July 18, 2004

Krispy Kreme & Godiva & Almost All is Well

Today has been absolutely fantastic. Not only did I finish my term paper (at 2:30 Saturday morning), get 2 & 1/2 hours of sleep and turn it in on time, but I finished that dreadful class and can now move forward in my academic career! GO ME!
After church this morning Brandon & I headed to Manchester to visit with his parents and mow their yard. It's just about the only way we can think of to help them out, and one of the only things they'll allow us to do. When B. talked to his mother she said that Ron had been out mowing for about half an hour already. Talk about stubborn!!! His doc said specificly not to do that. Oh well.  I 'm glad that he had the energy to get up and do something, even if he wasn't supposed to...
Anyway, back to the great day.
While Brandon mowed Hilda and I went shopping. She is a world class shopper, the woman can sniff out a sale from 50 miles away. It's always a lot of fun to get out and have an activity that allows us to talk. It's usually then that I learn all about Brandon and what he was like as a child and things that Hilda and Ron have experienced in their lives. I love to listen to stories.
Hilda's birthday was on Wednesday, B and I sent her some chocolates from Godiva that came in an iced cooler and wrapped with a bow and birthday card. We had so much fun picking it out, and she absolutely loved the gift! We all took turns picking a piece to eat and describing what it was like for everyone ~ kind of funny, I know, but it was really good!
On out way back home we stopped by my sister's house. It's been a couple of months since I have seen the girls and I just needed some good family time to see what they were doing and get in my hugs and kisses. Shelby (7) and Halle (19 months) are so funny. There is never a dull moment with the two of them around! The most interesting thing was when Halle came out of the garage with a fishing pole. It was only about four feet longer than she is, she had a great time swinging it around and watching us all dodge her.
After getting back on the road for our 90 minute trek back home, we had a hankering for some Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Sun-drops. If you are not blessed enough to live in Sun-drop land let me know and I'll send you some. Without a doubt, the best soft drink made, hands down!
Now, we are home and headed for a good night sleep. Hope you are too.
Tidings of Joy :)


Donna G said...

Not sure how you can sleep after all that sugar, but glad you did. Thanks for your encouraging words, I love reading your blog as well.

Clarissa said...

Sun-drop, Aaah, Sun-drop.

Krispy Kreme, Aaah, Krispy Kreme.

Those two words make me happy -- especially since Rob and I are doing Atkins right now ....

Glad for you that the paper and class are over!

Serena Voss said...

You go girl!