Wednesday, July 28, 2004

OK, I'm a big dramatic dummy!

I have been trying to set up a blog role for what seems like a bajillion years. Last night SG kindly told me what to do, problem is, I can't find the "example you are supposed to copy in the help section." Please, all my kind friends who are technologically inclined, help me out! I am near my wits end. I need you, I'm crying out in a loud voice and saying "HELP ME PLEASE!!!" I can be more dramatic if need be...

Woe is me ~ poor little soul from Tennessee
wanting to link to friends so that you too shall know
all of the laughs, hugs, and tears upon which my blog family does bestow.
It is a place where we come to let loose and let go.
If only I could link to these family members so you can see
the happiness and open arms that blogging brings to me.
If it is written somewhere on the wall,
please tell me so that I too can join the linkers club and not fall
from the grace God has granted in order to know all....
And that my friends is where it shall end,
no need to go any further than this.
PLEASE give to your blog friend who is in so much distress.
A bit dramatic and over the top, but that is my personality
I cannot make it stop.
You take me as I am and laugh at my comments and jokes
My plea to you is
"Please help me folks!"


Clarissa said...

Bless your heart. Notice that I have no blog roll, either. I'll tell my husband, and if he's in the right mood, he might just help you. I haven't asked him to help me yet. (He's a software architect.)

SG said...

My goodness! I will e-mail it to you ASAP! No worries!;)

SG said...

I love the poem but am worried your time off from school is going to drive you nuts! ;->