Thursday, September 23, 2004

It's 2:29 a.m. ~ what the crap am I doing up?!!

Actually, I have been very productive this past two and a half hours. (Since I slept in until about noon today I guess I should be productive at some point!) I have actually been doing homework and research for one of my classes. AND I may have even figured out (much in part b/c of the Microsoft Wizrd) how to make a power point presentation (try saying that three times quickly)! Woo - hoo!

I actually started doing my homework in hopes that it would put me to sleep, but the more I do the more I want to get done. Hopefully I'll get enough done to get to take Sunday off to REST and watch the Titans' game. (We'll not talk about last week's game against the Colts, bad bad things happened in Nashville on Sunday....)

Hey, did any of you waste two hours (technicly about and hour and twenty minutes, church doesn't get out until 8:00 and it's a 20 minute drive back home) watching the latest season of The Bachelor? It looks like the girls have gotten more catty and very Printer's Allyish, if you get my drift. I was not impressed. Sadly, that probably won't stop me from watching the rest of the season. It's like a mangey dog that follows you home and looks longingly at you through the front wimdows. You can't help but look back.

Has delirium set in yet? YOU BET!

Want to know some completely useless information? The application to become a nationally certified mental health professional is 38 pages long. That's a lot of ink for me to buy... and it took almost 30 minutes to print off. "Inconceivable!"

If you were looking for a therapist, what would your expectations be? I'm looking for degree, cost, time sequences, marriage and family, individualistic, etc. Tell me what you would want., please?

I'm off to print out some back logs of articles that should have been done a few weeks ago... time management, Mae ~ time management!

Tidings of Joy... and being productive! :)


Clarissa said...

Or re-productive! (Sorry, couldn't resist, since my last comment went over so well.)

Mae said...

Giggling naughtily... and hearing Barry White music in my head ~ flash back to the Ally McBeal days. :)