Monday, February 07, 2005

Postcards From the Edge

Do you remember the scene from Postcards where Meryl Streep and some other blonde lady (or was it Bette Midler?) are hanging from a rooftop having a conversation? I feel like I'm teetering on that edge today. For a couple of reasons really 1. I had a Diet Sundrop and a very fair share of Krispy Kreme doughnuts today. 2. THE ultrasound is in the morning!!! I feel all nervous and frantic and nauseous and scared and nervous... did I mention that I was NERVOUS ABOUT TOMORROW? I can be a positive person forr other people, but when it comes to my life and my situations ~ I'm as "the glass is half empty and maybe even three quarters gone" as they come. Crap happens ~ it happens to you, to the people next door and it certainly happens to me and I just like to be prepared for it when it comes flying at me at mock 30. I was talking to my sister earlier tonight (she's still convinced there are three in there ~ I think it'll take me pushing them out to show her other wise / or preferably, being nicely sedated, strapped to a table and having the doctor tell me "Just a little bit of pressure... Congratulations it's a ...." ) and told her I was afraid that the rad-tech chick is going to laugh at me and tell me I'm having kittens (and I don't particularly care for cats). If it was allowed I'd take a couple swigs of wine to settle the nerves and help me sleep. I have a feeling that it's going to be a v-e-r-y l-o-n-g night. Wish us luck and lots of prayers at 9:00 in the morning.

Tomorrow is also a big day for my father-in-law. Not only is it his 65th birthday, but also his stem cell replacement at Vanderbilt. He had chemo everyday last week (Tuesday - Saturday) and has been feeling very tired and not eating very much the past couple of days. Please keep Ron and Hilda in your prayers ~ the next month or so isn't going to be easy for them. This will hopefully keep the cancer at bay and allow him to lead a healthy, long life and be around for his grandbabies and great-gandbabies.

So much going on and so much to be thankful for. But I'll certainly be glad when tomorrow is over and done with.

Tidings of Joy... and NO KITTENS!!!


Donna G said...

Prayers being offered for you today. I told my daughter when she started the Clomid that she was going to have a litter. But I know things will be good for you and for her! NO KITTENS>>>>>

K said...

Hang in there Mae! Everything will be absolutely PERFECT. No kittens, I promise. Both my OB's told me a half a glass of wine once or twice a week would actually be good for me. I tried it once with Brandon and was freaked out rest of the pregnancy that he would have 2 heads. He doesn't.
Praying for you.

Grace and Peace,
(and thanks for the Blog Link, it's my first... I think... and I'm SOOO excited. You made my day!!!)

SG said...

SOOOOOO????? Give us the scoop!