Friday, February 11, 2005

Let me just say, "Yuummmy!"

Today my Valentine's gift from Brandon came in the mail. I called him (he's doing some work for another GE guy in Murfreesboro) to say thank you for indulging me and to see if he wanted me to open the package or wait for him to get home and us exchange gifts then (like I can wait 5 hours to open any thing from Godiva!). He said tear into them and so I did (BTW, didn't win a pair of Minolo Bhlaniks each week for the next year ~ oh well!). This is just so wonderful! Thank you Hale~b! I love you! We're celebrating early b/c he leaves for Orlando tomorrow and won't be home until Tuesday.

Hope you enjoy your weekend. I'll be doing pregnancy yoga, cleaning house, doing laundry, taking classes that I keep putting off, reading stuff for school, and missing my husband while he's gone. Monday night I'm keeping Shelby and Halle while Lynette and Bryan go out for dinner. My sis-in-law Karen is going to bring over her daughter Alexis and we're going to have an all girls V-day celebration ~ making all kinds of crafty gifts for the people that we love ~ it'll be lots of fun!

Tidings of Joy... and gifts of Godiva! :)

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