Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Day o' LUV!

A little poem from me to you. Take it, leave it, share it, or toss it... But remember that Cupid is watching you! :)

Oh Cupid, dear Cupid,
Today is the day for you

To do your magic in our hearts
And in our bedrooms too!

Sweet Cupid, cubby Cupid

Without you what would we do?

But celebrate this day w/ loved ones

Doused in hugs and chocolates filled with yummy goo.

Oh Cupid, um Cupid,

Can you send your arrow this way?

For my dear loved on is at Epcot with out me
And I miss him more and more each day.

Hey CUPID! I said,

Give me some love over here
Or I'll have to get all hormonal on ya'

and kick you right in the rear.

Please forgive me dear C.

My temper got the best of me,

But go and do your job this day
Help my friends feel love I pray.

Happy Valentine's Day dear blog family! May the arrow of Cupid hit you where it counts.

Much <3>


Chris said...

LOL! What a riot!

Serena Voss said...
