Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The magic # is...


We're having one beautiful little baby, who was so excited that she (not known for certain, just what I think) waved to us! Everything is looking great and Dr. Bullard said to keep on keepin' on (and to get as much exercise as possible b/c it will help squeeze a baby through my small pelvic bones ~ aren't you glad I told you that?)! I tried to scan the pictures, but they just showed up as a black blob on the screen. It was so wonderful to see her and hear her little heartbeat ~ what a fantastic day! We won't find out the sex for two more months, but as soon as I know I'll inform you all.

Also, Ron's stem cell replacement went really well this morning. Hilda said it looked like they injected him a/ a big bag of strawberry daiquiris. He's doing ok ~ well enough to talk to Brandon for a minute and ask about the baby. Happy birthday Poppy! :)

That's all the news for now.

Tidings of Joy... and a waving, swimming around little butter bean!


Chris said...

Heartfelt congratulations on the lack of a litter!(?)

K said...

Only one huh? Well, as Mary Poppins said, "Enough is as good as a feast" (and a whole lot fewer diapers).
Grace and Peace,

elizabeth said...

Congratulations! I think having one to start with is enough of an introduction to motherhood! FYI-I thought both of my boys were girls at my first ultrasounds as well!:)

Susan - said...

Isn't is just so exciting to heat that heart beat and see that there is actually something in there? Incredible! Congrats. By the way, with my first I knew in my heart that I was going to have a boy, and the tech confirmed it, but I still had dreams that I was having a girl.

Clarissa said...

Oh, good, one at a time is plenty! One child will take all of your time, you wait and see. I'm so glad to hear that things are progressing so well!! Yay for Mae!

Anonymous said...

The advice I have always remembered from my granny was, "Don't ever have twins". This from the mother of twin girls.


SG said...

WHEW! One at a time is more than enough! YEAH! So gald all is well. I thought Kolby was a girl, but I wasn't sure enough to bet on it or paint the nursery pink. I was afraid if I said it out loud God would change his mind. Goofy, I know! I just love other peoples precnancies! Keep us posted (as if...)

Donna G said...

Congratulations! And a sigh of relief in more ways than one. Take care of the butter bean!

Anonymous said...

Treasured moments! Just keep drinking in the wonder!

Serena Voss said...

That last anonymous comment was mine. Not sure why it did that!

MDM said...

You have so much to look forward to! Oh, I miss newborns. Their breath; their tiny hands and feet; their little clothes.

Anonymous said...

Mae - I am so happy for you and Brandon!! That's exciting!! I can't wait to meet him/her!! We'll definately have to make it a point to get together soon!! Love you guys - Kevin

Susie said...

Mae, how very wonderful! The ultrasound was what broughtit really home to me that I was gonna be a Momma. I immediately went out and bought some baby stuff. I'm so excited for you!

Beaner said...

Yay for 1 at a time!!! Now make sure you do those Kegels so you can push that little one out!!!