Sunday, October 31, 2004

Someday, when this is all over, we'll look back & laugh about it...

... But until that day comes, I'll continue to stress and wonder why in the world I decided to go back to grad school.

We've had a very busy weekend. Our church has had it's sixth annual Youth Rally, hosting around 550 teens in a weekend of praise and worship and focusing on baptism. It was great, but incredibly tiring!

I have yet another Psycho test this coming Tuesday. I've been studying for it since last Monday and the information is slowly seeping into my head, but I still have my doubts about my testing ability for this woman ~ her tests are lethal! In order for me to have a B in the class, I have to make a 90 or above on the remaining tests and assignments ~ ugh! Lord be with me when I get those grades!

Our fun money bank account is drastically low ~ much lower than we expected it to be at this point in the year. I'm about to go nuts waiting for Centerstone to call to officially offer me this job, which would obviously alleviate the situation. God always provides when we're in tight financial situations and I'm positive this one will go accordingly, it's just uncomfortable right now. Phooey, I hate having to have $$$.

I'm ready for this election to be over with. It'll be both mine and Brandon's first time to vote and apparently we differ greatly in opinion on who will do a better job of leading our nation. Maybe things will change, or maybe they'll stay the same for another four years. Regardless, I'll still be a happy person and a child of God ~ He has my true allegiance.

Tidings of Joy... and the election year coming to an end! :)

P.S. Brandon's making me french toast for dinner. I'll top it off w/ Kayro syrup and be a much happier woman in a little while. Sorry if this is a negative post, but things are on my mind and I needed to vent a bit...Now back to those anxiety, mood, and psychotic disorders. <3 ~ :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey mae - thanks for the email - i reply later - just wanted to wish you luck both on the test and in the job search. aimee and i have now been married for three months and i still don't have a job - maybe quitting my last job wasn't as good of an idea as i thought it was -but God has been faithful to us and our savings and aimee's check has been sufficient - as is God's grace. more ya mae - keep on keep'in on - kevin