Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Weather Vain

I woke up around 2:00 this morning to one of the most beautiful shows of lightening I think I've ever seen. I love to sleep while it rains, the constant sound is so soothing, but during storms, I've always been a looker/watcher. They fascinate me. Today, things have calmed down. Brandon heard that a tornado touched down in Lawrence County (although we can never be sure of the validity of things he hears at work!) and they cancelled school for today. If I hadn't taken a sick day from class yesterday, I'd definitely stay home tonight and just cuddle up on the couch and wait for the lightening show to play. I hope that you are all safe and enjoying mother nature in the comfort of your home.

Tomorrow I am off to pick up Shelby so she can spend the rest of her Fall Break with Brandon and me. I asked her what she wanted to do, apparently she's looking forward to taking a picture of B and putting him in girl's clothes (some gift she got for her birthday). Hey, whatever keeps us laughing (she snorted just thinking about it, yep, she's my niece alright!)! We may go to see Shark Tale or get our toes done, or both. She's at the age where a pedicure is a good treat, heck, I'd take a pedicure any day as a treat! The next time I blog will probably be through an 8 year old ~ it'll be interesting to say the least! (We may even do the phone blog so you can hear her cute little accent, I can sit and listen to her talk all day. It helps that she can talk incessantly for hours on end. Hmm, wonder where she gets that from...)

Next week I have to go for an ultrasound (to check on my ovaries and make sure they are working properly) and another consultation w/ Dr. Bullard ~ yea rah. (Can you hear the LACK of enthusiasm?) The nurse called earlier this morning to tell me when to come in and what to expect. This stuff is crazy, but at least it's covered by our insurance ~ thank you United Healthcare! I can't imagine having to pay for everything that we're doing. We get two more rounds of Clomid before we go to the Nashville Fertility Clinic, it's frighteningly getting closer and closer.

I'm outie. Gotta go over notes and a case study for class tonight and see if my noodle can absorb some of this stuff so that I can hopefully pass the class.

Tidings of Joy... and fun times w/ the fam! :)

1 comment:

Susan - said...

Have a great time with your niece, sounds like fun. Keep your blog family posted on your doctor visits. Good luck.
BTW, I just posted a new one. Nothing exciting, but I did it.