Monday, October 25, 2004

Rally Round the Church

This weekend is Ethridge Church's Youth Rally. It's going to be AWESOME. If you or any part of your youth group (Grades 5 - 12) want to come, just call Jeff Johnston @ 931-829-2152. Take the Plunge and be there!

Take a look at Travis' post today on racism in our churches. It's a good one!

I registered for spring classes this morning. FHU is finally making it's way into the 21st century and we got to register on line for the first time. Woo ~ hoo! Go Freed!

Shelby has gone back home. We had a great time and did all kinds of fun stuff. We also watched every recent girlie movie made (Cinderella Story, Ella Enchanted, & New York Minute) and went to see Shark Tale. We all enjoyed it, but see Clarissa's post on it for a different perspective.

Time to get some work done around the house (we may be hosting a youth group in our home b/c there aren't enough hotel rooms in L'burg to house everyone) and finish up an assignment for class tonight.

Tidings of Joy... and a fantastic week! :)


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm a bad aunt. I took the four year old nephew to see Shark Tale even though I had heard from a "mother" at work that it was too much. Dalton and I just concentrated on the music - now that was a soundtrack!

Clarissa said...

See, my 3 1/2 year old loved it, too. Too young to be scared by the scary parts. And the others are old enough to be scared and too young to understand that it's really all pretend. They really get into movies, and it was, as TL's friend said, "too much" for them. It just wasn't what we expected it to be. Or what Rob expected. I had no expectations! What's up with Stephanie? It's been almost a week!