Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Sometimes you just have to sit back & laugh!

Since the beginning of the year, Brandon's company has been talking about changing the company car policy (currently they all drive Taruses) to include trucks and SUVs. We waited and waited to see if they would actually change the option, or if they were just hem-hawing around. We decided they were just hem-hawing, and bought the Expedition.... Low and behold, yesterday, B got an e-mail saying that when the current lease is up (in about 4.000 miles) he'll have the car/truck/SUV option (only this time w/ Chevy). When he told me that last night, I laughed until there were tears rolling down my face. Oh well! I guess we'll have the Ex and a new four door Silverado too!

I found a new verse to add to my favorites list. (Along w/ fave #1, Proverbs 31:18 "She watches for bargains.") This one is Judges 16:16 (the Samson and Delilah story) "So day after day she nagged him until he couldn't stand it any longer." Too funny!

Brandon and I are off to Franklin (just outside of Nashville) again today. We decided late in the game to add and extended warranty onto the Ex, just in case! For the third time in 5 days I'll get to make the three hour trip to and from Fanklin (w/ a possible stop at "Coo Sprangs Mawl") and then a four hour roundtrip drive to FHU. I am so ready to be at home for a few days!

Thursday I had to get some bloodwork done and for the first time, the nurse couldn't find my "good blood giver" vein. Instead of hitting one she could see, she decided she'd just feel around for the "good blood giver", unfortunately, g.b.g. was p.m.s.ing and is now a huge bruise on my arm. Ahhh, the joys of fertility challenges!

Tidings of Joy... and laughter! :)

1 comment:

SG said...

I remember those bloodwork days. I got to be best friends witht he nurses at mt doctors office and the lab people. SERIOUSLY, they even came to see us in the hospital when Rhett was finally born. Be strong and wear your bruises with pride!