Friday, October 08, 2004

Parsimonious Amalgamation

I have no idea what amalgamation is, but parsimonious means "it makes sense". So essentially, my title o' the day is "it makes sense to not have meaning" ~ at least to me! (I like to make people think I actually know what I'm saying, when in actuality, I just got those words from some articles for school!)

The Hale family has had such a great and busy week. First and most importantly, Brandon's dad, Ron, is in full remission! He got the good news on Monday, and is undergoing two additional chemo treatments and will still have stem cell replacement for precautionary reasons. So thank you God, good work Vanderbilt cancer doctors and just all over halleluah!!! :)

Do you remember a few weekends ago when I posted about us selling the truck and getting out of debt? Well, sometimes things change and we make decisions that are a bit odd. You can see the end result here. Laugh, call us young and dumb, call us debtors, it's all ok ~ we're happy and we'll work our way out of debt at a slower pace.

Yesterday Brandon took the day off and we headed to Nashville and Franklin to do some SUV shopping ~ you know, for the future football team that I'll be trotting happily around town! It was a good day, we had lunch at Macaroni Grill, and we got to meet some interesting salesmen. Today B worked the long hours of 8:30 - 10:45 and we're taking a clean house and relax day. (If that's actually possible!) I do know that my bathrooms are much cleaner, the dirty laundry is lessening, the clean laundry is waiting to be folded and put away, the dishwasher is going full blast, and now my fingers are a blur on the keyboard.

Two pop culture things. 1. Martha went to prison this morning for her five month visit. Hmmm, lying isn't cool Marti, guess we'll make a difference decision next time, eh? 2. Britany Spears did a remake of Bobby Brown's "It's My Perogative". Is that really a person who's steps you want to follow Brit? Decisions, decisions, decisions....

Happy weekending blog family. We are resting tonight and plan on going to Florence tomorrow to watch Ladder 49 ~ John Travolta and Joaquin Phoenix together, not too shabby!

Tidings of Joy... and SUV's! :)


Mae said...

Update, amalgamation generally means "joining together". New definition to title o' the day... It makes sense to join together! Ye haw! :)

Jenni said...

Mae -- so good to hear from you! Your shiny new car looks great and I'm sure it is fun to drive. Enjoy your restful weekend -- it will do you and Brandon both good! As for me, I'm off to wedding dress shop with my little sister tomorrow..... :-)

SG said...

I think the expedition looks great! I want to see Ladder 40 too but Friday Night lights is in my blood...
Have a great weekend!

Donna G said...

Welcome to SUV Land, now that gas is fast approaching $2.00 per gallon, the movies may be history for both of us.....

Clarissa said...

"Come to-GE-ther, right now."
Now, Mae, I'm going to have to send you a copy of "The Total Money Makeover" if you two can't behave. When he gets his y'all will have to drag race and see how much gas you can burn simultaneously.