Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Not necessarily "as seen on tv"

My first ever ultrasound was earlier this afternoon. Before I got ready to leave I sat and watched an episode of "A Baby Story" on TLC. The current couple had been put on Clomid and ended up having TRIPLETS!!! I hope it was a sign from God. Anyway, just having seen a woman on tv have an ultrasound, I was expecting the same thing. Not so! Big surprise way of checking out the ovaries (which btw are looking good), I'll stop there w/ the details. :)

In my consultation w/ Dr. B, she said everything looks good and to keep on keepin' on. The next step if another round of 100 mgs of Clomid is unsuccessful is to go to 150 mgs. That level is playing dangerously with having multiples. She said twins would be fine, I was excited about more, her reply was "Emphatically no!" Hey, if we only have to go through all of this once and come out of this experience with more than one baby, I'll consider it "more bang for my buck" and shout "hallejuah"!!!!

Now I must get back to studying Mood, Anxiety, Depression, and Psychosis Disorders. Interesting to learn about, not interesting to study...

Tidings of Joy... and multiples! :)


Susan - said...

I had to laugh about your ultrasound surprise. I had kind of forgotten about that, but my first one was a surprise too. You see all these women on TV getting that thing rolled around on their stomachs, and you think that is the only way. Not so, huh Mae?

Clarissa said...

Yup -- my first one with Joey was that way too, to accurately date my pregnancy (because of back-to-back pregnancies and a prior c-section.) I said, "A trans-WHAT ultrasound?" Super yikes. But I got used to it.