Friday, January 14, 2005

So, I'm looking for a person or people who are interested in bladder donations...

Anyone? Anyone? Maybe a cow bladder? Or a hippo's? I'm not picky, I just need something to get me through at least one episode of Regis & Kelly and maybe a two hour nap. I've always been a heavy beverage consumer and a small bladder person, but this puts a whole new spin on things! The peeing has begun and I don't think the rainy season in Guatemala even comes close to producing as much liquid as I have in the past two days! 64 oz. of water and 24 oz. of milk, plus a sip or two of Brandon's Sprite = well, Niagara Falls. TMI? Sorry.

Thank you all SO MUCH for the good wishes and prayers. We are both incredibly excited about things, and a bit nervous too. To answer some of your questions....

~ we are definitely going to try to find out the sex of the baby (I"m hoping for twins, but my sister is feeling triplets ~ she's not exactly Madame Cleo so we'll just take what the rad-tech tells us!) As I said before, we get to have an early ultasound in a month. We'll hear the heartbeat and see the little bambino(s) on the screen. I'm going to record it and if I can find a way to post it on the internet then you can enjoy seeing it as well.

No ~ I'm not planning on turning this into a pregnancy blog. BUT since that seems to be consuming my life right now... well, even the best made plans go awry, eh?

The bankruptcy court hearing for Murray is next week (the 19th) that's when we'll find out what will happen (supposedly). The whole town is on pins and needles waiting for one judges decision. I still think we'll end up in KY... and probably about two months before the birth ~ that's just how my life works. At least we'll have movers to take care of everything. I bet if I milk it the right way, I can even get them to put stuff up for me! :)

Ron (my f-i-l) is going through his stem cell replacement this week. He and Hilda are staying at the Hope House in Nashville (across from Vanderbilt Hospital) for the next month or so. I'm sure that a lot of our time will be spent there to help Hilda's stress level and to keep Ron's spirits up. Hopefully this will keep him in remission. Prayers on their behalf are GREATLY appreciated.

Once again the bladder is calling, but not exactly tenderly!

Tidings of Joy... and seriously, if you've got an extra bladder around I REALLY could use it! :)


Donna G said...

You know that whole "tiny bladder" thing is just training. When this is all done you will never sit through a whole show or sleep a whole night or nap uninterrupted. Just basic training, love.

Clarissa said...

You crack me up!!!

Jenni said...

LOL!!!!! Thanks for the laugh!!! I'd send you mine, if I could. Course, mine is pretty small too!!

Beaner said...

Congrats on your pregnancy!!! Sorry I'm a bit behind on the good wishes. I have found that waking up in the middle of the night to pee every couple of hours just prepared me to be waking up every couple of hours w/the new baby - so your body IS just in Basic Training!!! I have also found that I can drink anything I want to & have a normal pee life, except water - so the healthier I get, the more often I'm in the bathroom. That just doesn't seem right! Oh, well! I hope this DOES become a pregnancy blog because I've had 2 & I'm done now, but I LOVE to live vicariously through others. I pray you have a good, easy pregnancy!!!

John Owens said...

Mae...urinesane. That post was nuts and a great laugh. I'm so happy for you and Brandon. Excited about the baby, but sorry about the bladder. But hey, as long as we get something to laugh at that's all that matters. :)