Monday, January 24, 2005

Krispy Kreme, Kraft, Kool-Aid, & Bad Baby Names

The cravings have begun... it's all about what I see really. If I see someone on TV eating I have to have that, ahh the power of visual persuation. For the most part though, I just want mac n' cheese (the imitation Kraft kind w/ the skinny noodles, not the real stuff), any kind of Krispy Kreme doughnut, and Kool-Aid (cherry, grape, or hawaiian punch). Brandon makes at least one trip to Kroger every other day b/c I never want what was on "the list". It's pretty fun!

Now on to the third rendition of "Bad Baby Names". I tried to post this twice over the weekend, but was unsuccessful each time. Here are the current "bad baby names" that Brandon and I have heard over the years...

Jaquarius ~ He was born in January & is an aquarius. (Memphis radio station)
Pepsi Nicola ~ Wonder what her mom craved? (also Memphis radio station)
Holly Dae ~ A girl I knew growing up who, along w/ her twin brother Luke, was born on Christmas Day.
Holly Bush ~ Another girl I knew in Manchester.
Bedelya ~ This was on "A Baby Story" the other day and I just couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor child, esp. the first time her librarian reads "Amelia Bedilia" to the class!
Dren ~ Yet another guy from Manchester ~ that's n-e-r-d spelled backwards, and rather fitting for the boy.

That's the news for today! Please feel free to add to the list, so I know what NOT to name my children.

Tidings of Joy... and GREAT baby names! :)


Clarissa said...

Heard once of a baby named "Meconium". The mother heard the nurses in the delivery room mention meconium and thought it would make a good name. Look up this medical term in one of your baby books if you're not familiar with it!
My mother-in-law had a student by the name of "Gynasiun". (Pronounced much like gymnasium.)

Anonymous said...

We had a Paprika Cayenne born at our hospital.

Chris said...

A number of years ago, there was a child born here to a rather large family, and they named this poor baby 'Just Another' - talk about a need for counseling later in life!

Personally, I have a relative named Pallas Athena Alma Lou - they call her Patsy. Go figure~

Donna G said...

Ivory Snow, Cooter Butler. Both Girls

SG said...

Cinnamon Crisp... No kidding... and she was a very sweet girl.

I heard of a lady naming her little girl Crystal Chandeleir because she thought is sounded so "beautiful".

Antia Taco. What were they thinking?

Melody, Harmony and Carol Note. These three sisters were friends of my Mothers growing up. I assume they were a very musical family.

Kolby's Music teacher at schools name is... Mrs Music NO LIE!

I love the name Avery but not with the last name of Grosz. A very Grosz...PUlleezzz the therapy bills!

SG said...
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SG said...

Just remembered the famous Hogg sisters.... Ima and Ura.

The very wealthy Fort Worth tycoon named Catcher Bass...

And if you should have triplets MS Mae Ann Hale, I think you should name them Rasin, Givem, and Goada!!!

All in fun people!!!!!!!

Susie said...

There reportedly were two boys in Houston--
Lemonjello and Orangello. No lie.

Also, we went to church with a couple who named their beautiful little girl Krimson Anne White. (University of Alabama's Crimson Tide's colors are crimson and white)

Same church, there was a family that had one daughter named Pepper War Eagle and another daughter named Tiger (Auburn University's mascot is tigers and their war cry is "War Eagle").

Can anyone tell that U of A and AU football is big here in Alabama?