Saturday, January 08, 2005

Back to reality?

I received my first e-mail about the new classes I'll begin this coming week at Southern Christian ~ expected graduations date 12/07. Why in Sam Goozle did I go to grad school? Can someone please tell me? Oh yeah, I remember ~ it's was the whole "I have a degree that I don't want to / can't utilize in this small town where I have NO political pull and student loans that I don't want to pay back for a while. Easiest solution? Go back to school!" It's all clearly back. If any of you have taken a class through SCU on-line I'd be more than happy to hear any pointers and tid bits of knowledge you may posses.

The past couple of days I've been in Huntsville visiting my friend Vette (a blog snooper, but not a commentor). We went w/ "The Group" (several 20 something single C of C folks) to Applebee's and then to see White Noise. It was sold out by the time we finished dinner so we decided to watch Darkness instead of waiting until the midnight showing (I'd've never been able to keep my eyes open for a midnight movie ~ you can officially call me old!) Other than Children of the Corn, I don't think there is a single horror flick that the two of us have laughed at so much. Oh my goodness ~ tears running down the face funny! It's a European film that I'm still not sure of the purpose ~ Good Times!

Soon after I walked in the door I got a call from my sis-in-law. Jonathan is in Talledega this weekend for some high testosterone thing, so Karen's having a girl's night out at her place. More fun!

Must finish up a bit of laundry and share a meal w/ the hubby before I get back on the road.

Tidings of Joy... & fun times w/ friends & family!

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

You be careful out there ... :-)