Monday, January 03, 2005

Brain mush

I don't know what it is, but my mind refuses to concentrate on one thing for more than 15 minutes ~ it's like the left over dirty snow 3 days after the roads have cleared up - just gray, cold, dirty and a reminder of what used to be. Now for some over-achievers, you may be able to accomplish quite a bit in 15 minutes. Me? I'm doing good if I can decided what to narrow down the decisions to in 30... sad.

So, I've been trying to think of reasons for this whole "mushiness" thing. Here's what I've come up with so far...

1. The weather. HELLO! I'm in Tennessee in January and it's been over 60 degrees for the past week ~ what the crap?

2. The time of year. After the hustle-bustle of the holidays getting back into a routine seems so plain... almost like I'm missing out on something.

3. A lack of drugs and caffeine in my system. I was on so many different hormone altering drugs for such a long time and on top of that, I've given up caffeine cold turkey... could be on to something here.

4. It's just all in my head (no pun intended). I could be completely normal and just think that things are altered, but probably not.

That's 'bout it for now. I've done good to get this much out, tired, need a nap; the couch, down blanket and feather pillow are all softly coaxing me to sweet rest.

Tidings of Joy.... and an end to the brain mush! :)


Chris said...

Giving up caffeine cold turkey will wreak havoc on anyone's system! Listen to your body, curl up on the couch and be a slug - for 15 minutes! LOL!

Jenni said...

You can get a lot accomplished in 15 minutes! That's how I do pretty much everything -- I learned it from FlyLady ( And giving up caffeine IS hard - I swear that caffeine doesn't affect me at all, but sure do jump to blaming it for my bad attitude and lack of energy when I am trying to quit! Good luck! And AMEN to the weather blahs -- it was 78 degrees here today!!! And HUMID - yuck!

Clarissa said...

Oh, yeah. Global warming. :-) Turns brains to mush, haven't you heard?

Donna G said...

If your caffein addiction is what mine was it is a wonder you can function at all. I went around for about a week with a headache. The first two days I was nauseous as well. You have a right to have brain mush.

But your right about this weather. I was all smug coming home from the beach and 74 degrees only to get home and it be just as hot! People look at you funny in North Alabama when you wear sandals in January...

Mat Brewster said...

You guys can just stuff it with your weather. It's a cold 39 degrees here and we're thankful for it. At least the sun shined today, which is much more than the usual cloudy and drizzly weather we have 80 percent of the time.

SG said...

YEAH it could be that... or not! Rest little Mae. I think you are just tired from all you have been trying to do the last few months. Sleeep! Go to bed at 10. Make a list. I bet you feel much better soon!!!