Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Inconsiderate, Rude, Or Just Plain True?

I have a situation for you bog family. And as usual, the drama in my life concerns non other than the infamous grandmother. Earlier I was on my weekly call to Gran who wasn't in the greatest of moods. After hearing about every sick and dead person in Warren county she asked me how I've been feeling and then later in the conversation asked the inevitable, "Well, how much weight have you gained?" As a side / background note on my grandmother, she's not concerned per say w/ a pregnant woman's health, she simply needs something to gossip about to her friends. I learned this VERY quickly w/ my sister's pregnancies. Lynette never told Gran what I said, which was, "Well it's not really any of your business. That's between me and my doctor and if I want you to know, then I'll tell you." I'm not one to beat around the bush about things, esp. w/ Gran and so I almost always tell her exactly what I think or feel about any given situation ~ esp. about me, my siblings, our spouses or children. She was pretty shocked that I said that (needless to say my hormones began kicking in pretty quickly) and replied, "Well, you just come out 'n say what ya mean don ch ya? I guess it itten any of my business." Neither of us got huffy and she laughed at me being me, but good Lord ~ why do people feel the need to know such things??!?!!

A word of advice to my readers. Don't ask that question and if you see me anytime during this or any forthcoming pregnancies be sure to tell me how glowing and very non-pregnant I look and that I couldn't be more than 5 or 6 weeks along. K? :)

So I leave it up to you, did I seem inconsiderate, rude, or just plain true in my reply AND was Gran inconsiderate or rude in asking???

As far as names for the baby(s) go SG let the cat out of the bag.... Raisin Hale and Goada Hale are my two favorite girl names, but now we're gonna have to go and find something else and keep it as a surprise until the baby comes out kicking and screaming. (Brandon's convinced that it'll come out and ask immediately to be cleaned up ~ just a little issues w/ gross stuff that I may have that may carry over to our poor child ~ bless her heart!)

It's my nap time. 'Night.


Anonymous said...

Rude?? I don't know... I wouldn't think so. Not if that's how you feel and your grams has a habit of making a big deal of that sort of stuff. Glad you could have a laugh about it. I used to work with a girl who was pregnant and was always on everyone's case for something... now, she had the same behavior mind you in her pre-pregnancy days... but after getting all over someone for something she'd just exclaim, "i'm pregnant!". It worked for her. About the names thing... in my own personal experience, I definitely recommend NOT telling anyone the name(s) until after the baby(ies?) are here. By then, you could name them "Dog Doodie Hale" and the parents/grandparents would still think they were the cutest little thing they'd ever seen. And also... where I live, people have a bad habit of stealing names if you announce it! My 6 weeks pregnant sister-in-law told a pregnant co-worker that she liked the name Maddox for a boy... and what do you know! She has a boy and names him Maddox!

SG said...

my two favorite girl names...bless her heart...? So are you feeling that this is a girl? :}

Anonymous said...

What if someone tries to touch your belly! I would NEVER touch your belly. That is really weird to me how people want to touch a pregnant belly - they wouldn't dare touch you any other time... just another reason I have no children...(and maybe a reason why I have no man!)

Clarissa said...

Well, I only ever gained 25 pounds during a pregnancy. It's before, between, and after pregnancies that I put on my weight, unfortunately. But that's changing now! Best weight-loss plan in America is to have a spouse diagnosed with a disease that requires consistency in the eating department. And tune in next week for the monthly weight-loss tabulation.

And way to handle Gran!!

K said...

You were definitely being "just plain true," and if you both were able to laugh about it afterwards, you were neither inconsiderate or rude. I love the fact that you and your gran know, appreciate and respect each other enough to accept your idiosyncracies and differences. No one asked me about my weight when I was pregnant, probably because it was obvious that I had gained A LOT and that was enough to fuel the rumor mills.

Grace and Peace,

Anonymous said...

HI Mae--it's my first post here, although i read your blogs all the time:) By the way, it's Tricia. thought i'd add to the baby names list...doing adoptions for kids who were picked up by CPS has enlightned me on the thought process (or lack therof)of many drug moms. My favorite is a baby girl named "Aloe Verra"...was there a bottle of it on her nightstand? A little boy was given the middle name of "El Sleepy". There are several girls on various case loads named "Heavenly" or "Precious", and let me tell you, sometimes these kids are neither heavenly nor precious at times. There is a sibling set of brothers where one is names Julius and the other named Caesar. How's this idea if you have triplets?--Wilfred, Wilnika, and Winnetta? A brother and sister named Tohwriahche and Wikijuna (um, what?), and finally my personal favorite from a few years ago interning at a inner city school in nashville: Trevarrrigus. yes, that's right a name so cool, it needed three r's in it:) i'm not making that up either!! Hope this helps in your struggle to pick a name(s)!!:)

Serena Voss said...

I think your grandmother must be related to mine.

As far as names: I am sure you will pick the perfect one. : )

JIm and I used to do foster care work. We had some interesting girls' names: Rona, LaTasha, La Shonda, and Andrella. Andrella has a sister named Quinsetta.