Thursday, March 31, 2005


The best part about living in TN is getting to fully experience every season; the worst part about living in TN is getting to fully experience every season with allergies. Today my head feels like a big puffy marshmallow that has gotten a bit too close to the camp fire. Sluggish, non-attentive, and certainly not up for two more school projects that must be completed before I leave Saturday morning on a mission trip to the Mobile, AL Inner City Church.

Does the house selling ever end? We got another offer from the crackheaded couple that still doesn't come anywhere near what we are asking. Our realtor said she was in love w/ the house, but that they didn't qualify for the amount we are willing to negotiate. Sorry Charlie. There is a house being built on the lot next to ours for what they put on the table ~ buy it and pick out every little detail you want... No sympathy on my part. We've had showings every day this week so I've been to town just to be out of the way a million and fifty-three times. I love the farmer's market and flower stands ~ however, my allergies disagree.

Need a nap, need to do yet another book review, need to map out the entire Bowenian therapy choices I would use for the Steel Magnolias girls, need energy, need lots of stuff... Lord help me.


Mae said...

Currently in a happier state of mind. Munching on the healthiest of snacks ~ Nacho Cheese Doritos and a Diet Sundrop. Funny what prayer, comfort food, and sunshine does for a soul ~ though not necessearily the sinus cavity.

Donna G said...

I feel your pain, I experienced my first allergy related headache on Wednesday. The rain will help, for a little while. Gotta' love those Doritos, but I will take a Diet Mt. Dew thank you very much!

BabyJ20 said...

I am getting more and more conviced that I have "scar tissue" from sinus crud due to allergies and what not...

Stick to your guns hon' on the house... you're right just to let them buy the one next door if it's "their price".

Good luck with the school stuff... and I'd be SOO interested to hear your thoughts on the Steel Magnolias girls!! I have "vested interest" in the story, sort of...