Sunday, March 06, 2005

Being an example

This morning began a new quarter of classes at church. I volunteered to take on the high school girls (all 7 of them) in a discussion / question / learning more about who you are and who you want to be / huh? / I don't really know what I'm doing/ class. There are two ladies who have been teaching the girls for 28 years, so we decided that we'd take turns about doing their lessons on purity and my random discussions on the topic of the day.

You know the saying, "Tred lightly and carry a big stick."? Well, I feel that I am going to have to do just that. What I really want to provide for them is a place where they feel comfortable asking questions and discussing matters that they wouldn't necessarily ask their mothers. Questions of any sort: Biblical, moral, teen-ish, sexual, etc. I hope, with God's guidance, to be able to create an atmosphere of trust, love and acceptance. Where I think I will have difficulties is keeping MY opinions out of the way and straying too far from what is provided for us in the Word. I am a rather opinionated person with quite radical / left sided / liberal views, especially when compared to those that are taught at this church. I do not in any way, shape, form, or fashion wish to stir up controversy. Instead, my hope and prayer, is to encourage the girls to think about things before they take action and to ponder things and learn to value who they are, whose they are, and what they can do to help further God's kingdom.

All of this is a big duty, but one that I am certainly looking forward to getting into. I hope that I can set some sort of positive example and help them to have open minds and hearts and to think for themselves. Please wish me luck in this endeavor, and pray for my mouth to be on it's best behavior and my heart in the right place!


Donna G said...

Mae, I can't believe it! You think you are opioniated??? LOL

Just be real with them. They will love you for it. Pray that you will be true to the word, you always must be, but when you don't know, tell them. I am sure you will do a wonderful job!!

Susie said...

Mae, I bet you'll be a wonderful discussion leader for that class. You'll definitely have one advantage in that you're closer to their age, but yet old enough to have experienced a bit more than they have and gained some wisdom for it. Go you! What a wonderful opportunity! : )

Serena Voss said...

Glad you are willing to take the risk. So many let their natural fears keep them from trying. And this can be a frightening age -- both to be that age and to teach that age. I am sure you will be wonderful! : )

elizabeth said...

Good luck with your class! I always loved having young adult teachers. It seems like they were more "with it" and able to understand what I was going through. I am sure you will do a great job!

Beaner said...

I'm in the same boat w/you - I'm helping w/the Teens & Jr. High at church. AND....I'm also on the liberal side (I WAS a Theatre Major after all!)'s hard not to share too much - I feel like the teens could learn a LOT from my bad experiences, but I don't want to share more than they can handle......I'll pray for you & you can pray for me & we can pray for ALL the teens too!!!