Sunday, November 07, 2004

He really 'nose' I love him...

Last weekend, one of our elder's wives came up to me and asked how long Brandon and I had been married. "Oh, about 3 1/2 years." to which she replied, "Really? Well the two of you could've fooled me, you act like newlyweds." Another man who had been listening in on the conversation said, "Yep, I was sure you hadn't been married for more ' n a year or so." That makes me feel good. :)

Then we get home. Standing in the bathroom, B is at his sink and I am at mine. B is trimming his nose hairs and I am plucking my eyebrows, Mrs. Becky's comment comes back to me and I laugh so hard that tears are streaming down my face! As a newlywed, I'd've never been able to partake in either de-hairing scenario w/ him by my side~ ah, a toast to love and marriage!!!

Now I must begin a paper that is due tomorrow on some disorder... Not sure which one I'm gonna enlighten my professor on. I think I'll just open the DSM to a random page and begin there.

Happy restful Sunday afternoon to all. Tidings of Joy... & the removal of facial hair w/ your spouse! :)


Jenni said...

Wow -- I think it will take me a while to be comfortable doing things like that around someone else....course, first I gotta find the someone else....but that's a whole nother story....

Clarissa said...

I'm still not crazy about sharing any time in the bathroom, even after 11 years. At least we have our own sinks now.
Keep on acting like newlyweds. That's great!