Thursday, March 31, 2005


The best part about living in TN is getting to fully experience every season; the worst part about living in TN is getting to fully experience every season with allergies. Today my head feels like a big puffy marshmallow that has gotten a bit too close to the camp fire. Sluggish, non-attentive, and certainly not up for two more school projects that must be completed before I leave Saturday morning on a mission trip to the Mobile, AL Inner City Church.

Does the house selling ever end? We got another offer from the crackheaded couple that still doesn't come anywhere near what we are asking. Our realtor said she was in love w/ the house, but that they didn't qualify for the amount we are willing to negotiate. Sorry Charlie. There is a house being built on the lot next to ours for what they put on the table ~ buy it and pick out every little detail you want... No sympathy on my part. We've had showings every day this week so I've been to town just to be out of the way a million and fifty-three times. I love the farmer's market and flower stands ~ however, my allergies disagree.

Need a nap, need to do yet another book review, need to map out the entire Bowenian therapy choices I would use for the Steel Magnolias girls, need energy, need lots of stuff... Lord help me.

Monday, March 28, 2005

P.A. (Procrastinators Anonymous)

Hi. My name is Mae Anne (but you can call me Mae if you wanna) and I am a procrastinator. I meant to do this yesterday, but well procrastination happens. Plus, it was Easter and I was munching on a not-so-traditional meal of pizza and cheese sticks from Pizza Hut.

Back to procrastinating...

I have two five pages papers that are due on Wednesday. So far, I have the title and abstract pages written for one of them. I figured that was enough work for an hour so I'd take a little break from all of the difficulties of writing a book review of a book that I haven't read. Well, technically I read almost the whole first chapter. That should be enough to get me through the rest of them. A ratio of 1:16 isn't too bad. Did I mention that I'm an honors student? It's amazing how that works.


The other night I decided to check out Gymboree clothes online for my little peanut. Holy crap! That stuff is so stinkin' cute, I think I'll have to be a part of Gymboree Moms Anon. from doing so much shopping. Come to think of it, that may interfere with my P.A. meetings or grad school or shopping at Gymboree so then again, maybe not...


Today I had to make myself scarce while the house was being shown. I entered the store that Vette and I promised not to enter until we're 80 ~ but only to look at baby clothes I promise to stay away from the old geezer outfits ~ YUCK! (Sorry if I offended any Peebles shoppers, just my opinionated opinion coming out).

I have come to the conclusion that...


Hmm, think I can work that into the book review? Maybe after dinner...

Friday, March 25, 2005

Pure Bliss

For me, there is nothing more calming, soothing, or meditative than being able to work in a flower bed or garden. I itch in the late winter / early spring to get outside and dig up last years' remains in order to start the entire process all over. Even if it is simply clearing out clutter and digging up bulbs, splitting them and finding a new area in the bed so that they look fresh and new. It makes me so happy to feel as if I have accomplished a task and enables me to go to bed exhausted, but happy.

I could literally spend hours in the gardening department of any store checking out the planting season, blooming season, soil and sun preferences and watering preferences of any plant. I love the smell of freshly tilled soil and feeling the cool dampness of the dirt and worms squishing between my fingers. I'll often take off my flip flops and walk barefoot in the beds just to feel this mess that will eventually turn into precious flowers.

On this weekend of remembrance of what Christ did for us by submitting to death on the cross I wonder if God sees His children as a dirty bed of weeds, rocks, and last years' remains, or of the beautiful flowers and plants that He knows we can be? I'm sure that just as any gardener will attest, it's not necessarily the end of the season when the work you have put into your soil has come into fruition that you are the happiest but the hours of sweat, the callouses and the dirty fingernails, the smell of dirt, the physical exertion and the simple joy of gardening. God's love for us never ceased, even when we were weeds, rocks or remains of what used to be ~ He's loved and looked upon us through every bad storm, every sunny day, and every frost to help us know that we are loved ~ no matter if we are in bloom or out.

Happy Easter ~ go hug your gardener.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

End Scene.

I love vacation time. It's getting back into reality and dealing w/ adulthood that seems to put a damper on the whole trip back home.

B and I had a wonderful time in the Smokies ~ regardless of mullet sporting, sock w/ sandal wearer's. Of course, we didn't do Ober, so I'm sure I only saw a small percentage of the mulleteers.

We spent Sunday in Asheville and Hendersonville, NC which is more than likely the area we'll be moving to when we leave Lawrenceburg. We drove around Hendersonville expecting to see family neighborhoods all over the place. Much to our surprise all that we found were retirement communities, homes in excess of $250,000 and a neighborhood that we thought may work out, but turned out to be a Habitat for Humanity area. It seemed to be either feast or famine in H'ville. We just didn't get a good vibe about the place. So we headed for Asheville expecting it to be a similar and a bit ritzier situation. Again we were surprised, but by the normalness, all be it, yuppie-esk areas that we drove around in (all near the Biltmore ~ go figure!). Once the house is under contract we'll contact a GE certified realtor and get moving on finding a new home that we may actually be in for more than 2 1/2 years!

B was given another job offer w/ the same company which would allow us to move back home, but require him to be gone about 75% of the time. We've talked and talked and prayed and prayed about it and decided that it'd be better for our family situation for him to be home all the time and us be a longer distance from family than for us to be surrounded by family and him not really be an everyday part of the baby's life. Plus, I'm really not as highly functioning as a person if he's not around. I think I'd go stark raving mad and that just wouldn't bee good for my future professional life as a marriage and family therapist. If the Asheville situation doesn't work out, we'll take this job for a while until he can find something that will allow him to be at home every night.

The job B currently has is very cushy. He leaves around 8:00, is home at lunch for an hour or so, and back again by 3:30 or 4:00. I am incredibly spoiled and used to having him here. I hope that this sort of thing will be able to continue, but w/ the responsibilities he'll have in that particular management position in NC, I highly doubt that will be the case.

The house has showing #3 tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed, we've only got a little time before we have to be in a new city. Being able to buy a new house in the new place will be great as long as our current home belongs to someone else at the time.

Brandon and I have been tossing around names for the child. We're trying to make words w/ her initials. So far the one we have is HAH! We really want a SHH, DUH, DOH, and B wants a BOB, but that doesn't exactly seem possible. The name is a secret, but I'm not above giving out initials! Besides, I'm so fickle, it's bound to change in the next day or so.

Have a fabulous Wednesday all. I'll be w/ the retired gals at our weekly gab session, a.k.a. the Ladies Bible Class. It's such a fun time ~ something I'll dearly miss when we leave.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Vandalism and Thievery

We've been having problems in our neighborhood lately with missing items and tattered patio furniture. As it turns out, my dog is to blame. She's spending the next week in canine juvy while we skip town to avoid the papparizzi.

My mother-in-law asked Brandon if it was ok for her to buy the baby's furniture for our Easter / Anniversary gifts... hmmm, let me think about that for a minute. HECK YEAH! Woo~hoo ~ shopping is going to be so much fun! Not that we will take advantage of her generosity in any way. We've been looking at stores on the internet and checking prices on e-bay for ideas of what we like and what is a definite no. We're more than likely going to get a cherry sleigh bed convertible set and a dresser w/ the changing table and pad on top. I found a rocker / glider / cutsie / chair deal in a small store in Huntsville and I can't wait to order it. They custom make the things for a very reasonable price and it looks like a regular piece of furniture instead of the wooden contraptions that can only fit in a nursery. Do any of you have ideas for what you couldn't imagine doing with out or items that were useless? Any comments are more than welcome!

I must hit the books and watch another class before head out to Gatlinburg and Asheville. Have a wonderful Spring Break and be careful if you're traveling. :)

Monday, March 14, 2005

Thoughts... or the lack there of...

I spent all night Thursday and from Friday morning around 10:00 until Saturday morning at 1:00 writing a paper on personality theories. Due to the fact that all of my "extra" brain cells went towards writing a semi-coherent paper worthy of a master's level student... and the fact that this child is sucking away at any intelligence I formerly housed in my cerebral cortex, I now have zero energy to sit at my computer and type anything of particular interest or humor.

I will say that my hormones have officially taken over my sensory functioning and if I thought my mouth was uncontrollable earlier, boy was I mistaken!!! It seems as though Mrs. Say-what-you-think/feel/should-be-said has been embedded in my body.

Yesterday the family that sits in front of us at church (usually two parents, a grandmother, and three children ages 8 to 12, plus a friend or two) was rather slim. It was only Dad, little sister, middle brother and a friend. Dad got an emergency page for work, leaving children and friend all alone. The two boys began thumping knuckles (we called it a horrendously derogatory name when I was in school, which shall be left out of this blog entirely). I sat, and sat, and sat waiting for them to end the game. It continued through the entire sermon, the song of invitation, a couple coming forward and asking for prayers from the church, two interval songs, and the shepherd's challenge and even a prayer on the family's behalf. I was annoyed, then irritated, and then IRATE!!! This is not something that would be tolerated had any familial adults been near, so I decided to step in. I leaned forward, put a hand on each of the boys shoulders and said, "Stop, please." in the most controlled, caring, teeth clenched fashion I could muster. I got a look that said many things and then the boys both turned beet red and did actually stop. I ask you, had it been your child or children and you had to leave, would you want another adult correcting their behavior? Because if I'm near enough to say something, believe me, I will. I certainly hope that it will be the same for my children, though I am certain they will be as near perfection as I was and will need no correction what-so-ever.

Stopping the endless, mind numbing babbling.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Hey, hey,hey what do you say?

We got a call yesterday from B's boss. Looks as if we may be headed for mountainous living sometime this summer. Click here for more information...

Things are going well. Yesterday we sold the car that I bought to drive back and forth to Henderson. Thanks to a lady from Clifton, we now have thousands of dollars less in debt! :)

I finally got a heart rate on the baby yesterday at my regular check up. It was beating in the 160's. My sister was elated ~ both of her girls were in the 160- 170 range. Yet another clue as to HER sex! We will have the second ultrasound on April 8 at 9:00 to find out for sure.

I'm having the hardest time coming up w/a name for this child. I love ever-so-many names... until I have to tack "Hale" onto the end of them. My plan is to keep the name a secret (since everyone will know that she's a girl). Plus if I change my mind a bajillion times no one will be disappointed. If you have any suggestions I will be happy to entertain them.

I must stop procrastinating and get back to work on a theories of personality paper that is due on Friday.

But first... I have a time share in Gatlinburg that my parents deeded to my younger brother and me. Our week goes from Friday to Friday 3/18 - 3/25. Jonathan and his wife are not going to be able to use their half (a one bedroom condo) so if you need an escape let me know and I'll be more than happy to share our time share w/ you! Brandon and I plan on being there from Sunday afternoon until whenever we get sick of the clean, mountainous air... Does that really happen??!?!! :)

Ok, now I'm working on that paper... right after Oprah, for sure.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Being an example

This morning began a new quarter of classes at church. I volunteered to take on the high school girls (all 7 of them) in a discussion / question / learning more about who you are and who you want to be / huh? / I don't really know what I'm doing/ class. There are two ladies who have been teaching the girls for 28 years, so we decided that we'd take turns about doing their lessons on purity and my random discussions on the topic of the day.

You know the saying, "Tred lightly and carry a big stick."? Well, I feel that I am going to have to do just that. What I really want to provide for them is a place where they feel comfortable asking questions and discussing matters that they wouldn't necessarily ask their mothers. Questions of any sort: Biblical, moral, teen-ish, sexual, etc. I hope, with God's guidance, to be able to create an atmosphere of trust, love and acceptance. Where I think I will have difficulties is keeping MY opinions out of the way and straying too far from what is provided for us in the Word. I am a rather opinionated person with quite radical / left sided / liberal views, especially when compared to those that are taught at this church. I do not in any way, shape, form, or fashion wish to stir up controversy. Instead, my hope and prayer, is to encourage the girls to think about things before they take action and to ponder things and learn to value who they are, whose they are, and what they can do to help further God's kingdom.

All of this is a big duty, but one that I am certainly looking forward to getting into. I hope that I can set some sort of positive example and help them to have open minds and hearts and to think for themselves. Please wish me luck in this endeavor, and pray for my mouth to be on it's best behavior and my heart in the right place!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Random e-mail from some guy I've never heard of.

Hey ya'll. I got this e-mail from a couple of people I've never heard of, but thought that I'd share it anyway...

Fellow CofC bloggers:
I'm putting together an aggregator for Church of Christ bloggers. If you're not familiar with aggregators, they're useful tools for bringing together posts from all aggregator members on one links page. They're updated periodically and they're a good way to keep up with what's being said on a particular subject.
If you'd like to see what an aggregator looks like, here are a couple I already belong to:
Please let me know if you'd like your blog to be included in the Church of Christ bloggers aggregator. If so, please e-mail me and include your blog's URL your reply.
There are many CofC bloggers (including the much-read Mike Cope) whose e-mail addresses aren't available on their blogs. Please spread the word and let them know they're invited, too.
Milton Stanley

I just got back from the doc. Yep, I've got the funk ~ a.k.a. Shingles. They put me on Valtrex ~ you know, the VD drug that is so eloquently advertised on tv? Umm, hmm I get to go to the most popular drug store in town and get herpes medicine. That's a real self confidence booster, let me tell ya!

Nurse Johnnie w/ the purple hair was listening for the baby (the pulling I felt was just her moving up ~ she' s above my belly button already!) and had a hard time hearing her. Johnnie's exact words were, "Umm, hmm, this is a girl honey, I never have this much trouble out of boys." Woo~hoo!!! See, I'm not the only one who thinks so. We finally heard the heartbeat and the swishing of my placenta (didn't you want to know that?) and all is well. I have to go back on Tuesday for my regular monthly checkup w/ Dr. B to get some tests done, I think. Can't remember whether these are optional or not...

Lot's to do and time's a waistin'. Caio baby.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Itching and Pictures

Below you will find some pictures from this past weekend ~ of the not-so-stressful times that is!

I think I know what the mysterious rash is that popped up on my back this weekend ~ shingles. How gross ~ and almost STD sounding. I had my sister and a friend who is a retired nurse look at it and they both definitely think that's what it is. So I have a doc's appointment in the morning w/ purple haired nurse Johnnie to get it taken care of. I'm also going to have her check on the baby. Last night I was getting up to get a load of clothes out of the dryer and I felt something pull in my lower stomach ~ it was the worst pain I think I've experienced in a long time. Brandon was freaking out b/c I couldn't speak and was doubled over crying hysterically ~ paranoia isn't in me for nothing, huh? We didn't go to the ER b/c the pain subsided after a few hours, but I'm still pretty sore today. I did feel her moving aroudn for a few minutes today, but I'm still concerned. Yesterday was just crappy all over!

We got good news today ~ Ron will be discharged from his hospital apartment next Wednesday. All of his tests are looking great and everything he's gone through seems to be working. Thank you God! I know he and Hilda will both be so relieved to be at home after an entire month away and numerous days in the hospital.

My back is killing me so I'm gonna break out the lovely heating pad and read up for school.

~ Toodles.

Beanbags are a ball of fun, especially when you are upside down and under the age of 10! Posted by Hello

Brandon and me after an exhausting Saturday ~ look at that tummy ~ pregnoid or just fatsoid??!?!?! I will say that I'm pooching out for exaggeration factors, but still, not the cute little pregnant lady like you see on t.v. Posted by Hello

Shelby, me, & Halle (in her favorite night gown ~ it reads "Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky" ~ hope that's not a sign of things to come!) Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Welcome Flip Flop Season!

The first day of March (in my world, anyway) brings w/ it the beginning of Mae's flip flop and sandal season. This wonderful season lasts through late October and requires a couple of things ~ 1. freshly pedicured toes & 2. new colors of flip flops to match any outfit! Woo~hoo!! I sadly must postpone wearing my flops for a few days. There is snow falling from the heavens and I'm not getting a pedi until this weekend. However, I am still incredibly excited that spring is so close!

Pregnancy has been good to me so far. This time next week I'll be into month number 4 and just a few weeks later we'll be half way through and know that I'm having a little girl! Until this past weekend, I didn't think I was very hormonal at all. Not so! Along w/ the raging hormones, I have contracted some random rash that has an unbeknownst origin and my appetite goes from ravishing every two hours to being turned off immediately at the smell of food. I'm not nauseous, I just can't seem to eat much ~ three bites of jambalya last night for supper was it. (Although, Brandon did make a special trip to Captain D's to bring home some of their tasty breadsticks!) It's all just interesting going through and still exciting. I haven't felt the baby move since Thursday night and I'm incredibly paranoid about anything going wrong.

Did any of you become extremely afraid of your husbands being abducted or having a horrendous car wreck while you were pregnant? I've gotten really off the wall about B leaving ~ even if he's just going out to feed the dog. It's even worse now that he's traveling more. He's in Nashville, Murfreesboro or North Georgia at least two days a week and it doesn't rest well w/ Mrs. Paranoid. Just wondering if anyone else had the same feelings.

Brandon found out from one of the plant managers yesterday that Murray will not be open past the end of September. It's good to finally have a date for the end of stuff here ~ things were much more stressful not knowing if the place was going to close down tomorrow or sometime next year. If any of you know of a sales / chemical rep / good paying job in the south please let us know. B found a really great sounding job w/ GE doing the same things he does now, only w/ a higher salary, but it's in Montana. Granted if it's Montana or nothing, I'd be on the first plane there, but this gal has never lived out of the south or more than four hours from home and she really doesn't want to now!

I've got a mid-term to do, a class to take and tons of reading to catch up on for school, so I guess I need to quit procrastinating and get to work... right after a shower... and maybe some lunch... or a nap... or an episode of a Baby Story... or... well, nevermind. Have a great day and get our your flip flops! :)