Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hey God, I get it...

So, I guess you were there w/ us yesterday... when I finally got "it", you know, the part about why you had to turn your back on your Son while he suffered. I never really understood it up til then. You see, Hadlee had to experience pain yesterday that will eventually turn into a good thing. She had her first round of immunizations ~ four shots. She screamed, she cried, she squirmed, she looked to me to make the pain go away and all I could do was sit in the corner, bite my lip and try not to cry or throw up. I had to look away, to turn my back, to leave her for just while during her time of suffering. When it was over her Gramma put her in my arms and after a whimper or two it was all ok. Well, it was ok for her, she went to sleep and woke up several hours later wanting food to eat. I don't guess it's really much different than your experience, huh? He suffered, He cried, He looked to you for release... and when it was all over You took Him in your arms and it has turned into a good thing... No, a perfect thing.

I get it now.


Donna G said...

The closest I ever come to understanding the love of God is all wrapped up in my children...I get it too!

Anonymous said...

Donna used your analogy in class last night!

BabyJ20 said...

How awesome is a moment like that?! I'm gonna' cry!!

SG said...

That is the one of the first "iget its" you get from being a parent. Those first years are full of them. I guess all life altering experiences bring you closer to God and understanding his love better if that is what you are trying to do...But for me parenting has been the one that really makes me get it! Great post!