Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Being Celine

Today I turned into Celine Dion circa 2000 right after she had her son... only I'm the spoof of Celine on SNL. For example, Monday night we started Hadlee on cereal hoping against hope that she'd sleep all night. She's not slept all night yet, but is sleeping longer and harder. Anywho, I was changing her diaper yesterday and Brandon and I had the following conversation, which is really FOR REAL...

M: Honey, have you seen the new poop?
B: Yeah, kind of looks like rice, mud, and mustard, right?
M: YES!! I can't believe you noticed. We're so proud of Daddy, aren't we Pooter?!!

I'm not kidding, it's so funny. Our conversations revolve around sleeping, eating and pooping. In your best French accent repeat after me. "It's all about the poop. You can see how the baby is doing. Look carefully at the poop. You may think I'm crazy, but look at poop!"


On a side note, I think my poop noticing husband may be ready to kill me when he gets home. I am notorious for cramming as many clothes into the washer as is humanly possible. I figure, the less loads the better. Today I was doing a load and decided at the last minute to toss in a Land's End canvas tote to carry as a diaper bag instead of the mond-o bag that matches HAH's stroller and carseat. Apparently it was the icing on the cake. When I went to toss the clothes into the dryer I noticed a burning smell. The tote got hung in the top of the spinner thingy and tore the tub away from the frame of the washer. There are tiny bits of plastic all over the place and burn marks on the tote... dang it! I may wait for a day or two to fess up... maybe after I mow the yard or bake him a cake ~ he'd definitely know something was up then! Grrr, I HATE when I do stuff like that.


Anonymous said...

Admit to nothing. I'm sure you can use one of "those" faces...very blank with a precious smile...

He'll start doing the laundry for you out of fear for his own clothes!

BabyJ20 said...


elizabeth said...

My friends and I are perfectly capable of talking about poop and throw up while eating fajitas without batting an eye!

Good luck with the sleeping thing. Matthew didn't sleep through the night until 9 months!

Make sure you really want to do the cereal thing before you commit totally. It is messy and so much easier to just nurse! I didn't end up giving ME cereal until she was 6 months. One less thing to clean up!