Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It's 2:22 somewhere...

Well, here actually. I had a hard time falling asleep and when I finally got to the really good sleep part Sassafrass woke me up. So, I've been reading new blogs since then. Haven't done that in quite a while. Isn't it funny how we get into a routine even in blogland?

I've had some pretty deep thoughts on life issues lately, but hesitate to post them given the fact that there are eyes reading this that I haven't spoken to on said issues and should probably do so before posting them in order to be as un-offensive as possible. How's that for a run-on?

Something that has really bothered me since moving back home is the rumor mill here. Holy crap!!! I had forgotten how mixed up, tied up, tangled up in rumors this place was. That is one area that I am trying desperately to stay out of... Satan's been pulling me lately, but I hope that I've resisted the pulling. Daddy always taught us that we are much better off not getting involved in the drama and politics that go on here. Now I really understand what he meant! Knowing that Hadlee will have to be taught the same thing, I figured that practicing and modeling such behavior would be better than preaching on it and being a hypocrite! Do any of you struggle w/ similar issues?

Well, I think I feel sleep coming on... must get up in a few hours for water aerobics ~ sadly, it kicked my booty on Monday, but then again I AM eight months preggars! :) Hope you are sleeping tightly.


Lisa said...

I think we all struggle with being distracted, whether by gossip or petty little issues or some other means that Satan subtly employs. I'm more often on guard when I feel like I'm under big-time spiritual attack, but when I let my guard down, Satan attacks in these more subtle ways, trying to get me to focus on the mundane junk rather than on fulfilling my true purpose for being here.

Donna G said...

Yep, I struggle

jettybetty said...

Yep, and I didn't do a perfect job--but God will give you wisdom.
And yep again--I think kids would rather see a sermon than hear one.
Hope you got some rest!

SG said...

Oh those late night can't sleep but oh-so-tired pregger nights! I think there is a problem when you don't struggle with this because that probably means you are in the thick of it. Small towns seem worsse because everyone knows everyone...but I think some churchs can be worse than small towns. Yeah, I struggle with this.