Friday, April 22, 2005

Losing it / Gag a Maggot

So, as with all prego's it is beginning to happen to me. My innie is becoming an outie... and I find this extremely disgusting (or as Shelby used to say "di-gust-ing"). I am so not interested in belly buttons. When my sister was pregnant she could easily make me gag by belly flashing me w/ the big button staring at me like a one-eyed monster (what are those things called? I just can't remember.) I'm cringing just at the thought. Today's term is "GAG A MAGGOT!!!"

Tomorrow I am going w/ my mom-in-law to a baby shower for Brandon's aunt. Yes, you read that correctly, his aunt. (She's a couple of years older than B, but his uncle is in his late 50's. It's an interesting story to say the least!) And then we are going baby furniture shopping!!! I am SOO EXCITED!!!! What fun. I can't wait to pick stuff out. I doubt that we'll buy anything just yet. It will more than likely wait until we move back home, but looking is the fun part.

I have to start compiling the list for my own shower invites. Apparently I'm not supposed to know about the shower, but hello, I picked the date! It will probably take me days to try to remember everyone I should invite. Maybe I'll just get Lynette to put an ad in the paper. That would be so much more convenient, don't you think?

The energy phase is beginning to slip away. I'm glad of that for only one reason... the end is near!!! Only 123 more days... and if I do my yoga squats, it could be even less than that (is it bad to think that way??!!).

Off to rest and do some laundry. Have a great weekend and kiss your babies (or someone else's, either way will work!)


Anonymous said...

Cyclops have one eye. You're welcome.

Donna G said...

I kept my grandbaby today and kissed him alot! He is almost 9 months old now and has sooo much personality! You are going to have so much fun!!

Clarissa said...

Just know that it will snap back! My "outie" returned to its preferred "innie" status the day each child was born. So, just a few more months. You'll make it!

Susan - said...

Your innie will return, don't worry. But don't get too attached to that countdown number. Everyone I worked with when I was pregant with my first told me I would not make it to my due date, that I was carrying low. Well, guess what? That date came and went and I was devastated! First babies are often late. You could be different, but don't get your hopes up too high. Just take care of yourself, it will all work out.

elizabeth said...

I used to put tape on my button because it showed through everything I wore! I carried mine like big ol basketballs so my belly button was front and center!

It will go back after HAH is born, but not in quite the same shape as before. Oh well, its worth it!