Tuesday, December 28, 2004

"I have short term memory loss."

My five year old niece, Alexis, was asked what all she got for Christmas. Her reply was "I don't know." My sister-in-law said, she can't remember what she did five minutes ago to which Alexis replied, "I have short term memory loss." I think I almost broke a rib when I heard that! Out of the mouth of babes...

One of my goals for the future is to put together a couple of scrapbooks that will show generations to come what our life is like and what Brandon and I were like growing up. Being the third of four children, I don't have a baby book that is filled out. Instead there is a clipping from my first hair cut and some dates written on the lid of my first milestones (walking, talking, tying shoes, snapping fingers, etc.) My goal is to be able to tell stories and flip through these scrapbook pages, not open a random drawer and go from one decade to the next trying to remember what was happening at the time. Got any good, low cost places on where to start this journey?

This past weekend I had quite a bit of trouble falling asleep. I went to the couch in my parents' sunroom and picked up a book that was on the end table. It was Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover, which I read until 5:00 a.m. Brandon and I certainly fit the "average" mold he refers to time and time again. We're sitting down as soon as he gets his payplan for the year and attacking like gazelles! The tenative plan is to be debt free within a year ~ snowballs will soon start rolling in the Hale house.

Tidings of Joy... and avalanches! :)

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

Oh, yeah, let's snowball!!!!!