Thursday, August 11, 2005

What I am doing...

* Having contractions.
* Not getting very much sleep.
* Trying to do something constructive, fun and educational for my students.
* Trying to get everything ready for this baby to friggin' get here already.
* Trying to finish up school work for the semester.
* Trying not to complain... over and over again.

What I'm not doing...

* Having a baby today ~ Dang it.
* Focusing on one project and completing it.
* Cooking or cleaning.
* Getting much rest.

Where I wish I was right now...

* On the beach w/ my husband and daughter ~ who is in person, not in tummy.
* Sleeping.
* Eating.
* Getting a massage.

The doc's report for today...

* Dilation Factor ~ 1.
* Baby at ~ Minus 2.
* Completely opened (Um, I don't know what that means.).
* Doc's prediction ~ two more weeks and a possible c-section.

Funny quote of the day...

* From Dr. B to Brandon, "Now, don't wait t until you can see hair to put Mae Anne in the car..."

Random thought of the day...

* Why do yappy little dogs only bark at 4:47 a.m.?


Chris said...

I feel for ya, girl! I remember at this stage of pregnancy I just wanted to put the baby down for about fifteen minutes! Was that so much to ask?! So, my guess was wrong...hmmm...but I can't see you going another two weeks!

Chin up, little buckaroo! She'll be here soon!

elizabeth said...

Any woman who has given birth feels your pain!

I remember the doctor telling me 2 more weeks and he might as well have said 2 more years!

Try to enjoy these last few days as just you and B. I can't wait to hear the news!

Donna G said...

I feel for you. But the 19th is the full moon, just prepare for that date and the pressure will be off....

real easy for me to say!

BTW, my daughter had 8 follicles large enough to measure today...maybe this will be her month!

Kristen OQ said...

It will be soon I bet. A good friend of mine from church went in to her regular appt on Friday (she is due at the end of August) and the doctor said, "see you next week. You aren't dialated or anything yet." Her water broke 3 hours later and baby Brooke was born that night. Congratulations and good luck. Keep us posted -- I love to read how you and your baby are doing.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. Not that I know anything about what you're going through but you can't stay pregnant forever, right?

Beaner said...

So....I guess my guess was wrong - no baby yesterday??? Don't worry - almost here!

Chris said...

Update please!?!?!

Beaner said...

Yeah - when you're THAT pregnant we need to hear from you DAILY!!!! Hope all is well in the Hale household!

Mat Brewster said...

Ah Mae, its crazy to see you so ready to go. I'm afraid I've not visited in some time, so weeks of your pregnancy have passed without me noticing. I'll keep you and hubby and baby in prayers moreso now.

Have that baby!

Donna G said...

The moon is just about ready....are you???

Beaner said...

Gotta love Blog Spam!!!!!