Monday, June 19, 2006

Signs of toddlerhood

We now have a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs. It's actually a good baby sitter. The walls of it are made of plexiglass so HAH can see herself in it as she stands there beating and talking in Swahili (or Ferangi, depending on her language choice of the day).


Today HAH discovered the tiolet... need I say more?


She's now begun sleeping through the night (well, we're going on 2 nights in a row) and waking up and playing in her crib for up to half and hour (that's long enough to shower and shave!).


This just in... paying back the student loan mafia sucks.


I got in my classroom today. This is so going to be a great job! I'll only have five classes, all on the same level, reading the same material, studying the same things... that equals ONLY ONE LESSON PLAN PER DAY!!!!!


We got a couch for the bonus room last week. Microfiber suade, chocolate, along w/ a cherry end table for $10 (it has some damage on a corner that isn't visible under picutres of my oh-so-precious nieces). With those two additions the bonus room suddenly has a meaning and is one of my favorite places to hang out w/ Hadlee. The couch is like a bed of Godiva strait out of a very nicely wrapped box w/ a pretty bow in top ~ delicious!


HAH's 9 month pictures are downstairs and I'm much too lazy to go down and come back up to load them into the computer. As soon as I get over the laziness I'll give you the gift of peeking on my little baby doll... You're welcome. :)


Why is it that she can say "Abuelita" (which to the untrained ear may sound a bit more like "Abba bibba"), but refuses to say "Mama"?


Neighbor Barb's son (we'll call him Barb, Jr.) is obsessed w/ Hadlee. He's around 2 years old, constantly has more dirt showing on his face than skin, rarely wears more than a diaper and has a 1,000 watt smile. The other day we were outside watering plants, I was turned around for a minute or two and when I looked back at the baby she was oohing and gooing at him WHILE HE WAS STANDING AT HER STROLLER!!! EEEEKKKKKKK!!! I kind of jumped asked him how he was doing, he answered in what I must only assume was Barbarian and took off running towards his house... Hadlee started whining when he left. I'm just not prepared to deal w/ such issues!


Heather said...

You are too funny! It sounds like you're really in for a lot of fun with your daughter. Congrats on the job! Enjoy your summer.

Donna G said...

what a sweetheart....

Clarissa said...

Lunch sounds good! Email me at my first name my last name at hotmail dot com and we'll work out the details ...