Monday, September 12, 2005


I'm up w/ the baby in the second half of her "I love to be awake at 2:00 am." session. Basically, it's the only time I really have to sit down and write... who knows how coherent this will be???


On Friday B and I met our realtor in a swanky neighborhood to look at houses. (BTW, did you know that lumber prices have gone up 33% since Katrina came roaring through?) While I absolutely love the idea and reality of looking for and building or buying our dream home, I couldn't help but feel more than a twinge of guilt. There are people nearby who have nothing, not even family members to cling to and we're here looking at homes that we don't even have the furniture to fill.

I don't know if it's feelings of guilt, inadequacy, or simply... I don't even know what. But in the back of my mind, while I was trying to place our existing furniture and doing what my carpenter's daughter's mind does best ~ adjusting and tweaking the floor plan and kitchen arrangements ~ all I could think about was how we could use our money to help others instead of buying a big home. Does that make any sense?

We are working to do things for Katrina survivors, but I still feel as if I should personally be doing more. I just don't know... any other bloggies out there with similar feelings?


My time at home w/ Hadlee is flying by. I can't believe that she was born four weeks ago!!! There are so many moments with her that I want to freeze and put into a glass bottle so I can go back and experience them again and again... and yet others that I think, "Dear God, please let this pass quickly." Such as projectile spit up being in my hair and down my back, arms and legs ~ BUICK!!!

I still have five more weeks to stay at home with her. When I return to "work" (Who can really call it work (minus the " "'s when you have only one student and a full time aid?) HAH is going to stay w/ my step-mom (who is SOOO excited). I think it will be a wonderful experience and bonding time for the two of them and daddy (who has Mon - Wed off of work). It's so funny, b/c B and I talked about never being "one of those couples" who depends on their parents to take care of their children. We weren't planning on it. In fact, I had a place for her to go and when my parents found out they decided that they REALLY wanted Hadlee to stay with them (Have I told you they are THE busiest people on the face of the earth?). We weren't going to ask either of the grandmothers to watch her. Our feelings on the situation are that they put in their time raising us and have the God given right to say, "I have three hours on Thursday afternoon and I'd love to have one-on-one time w/ the baby." But when the gift horse is knocking on our door...


I think it's about time to head back to bed. Our wonderful vibrating bassinet as done the trick once again... the real test is putting Hadlee into her cradle and seeing if she stays asleep. Lord, please let her stay asleep for at least three more hours!!!

Tomorrow we're taking a family day to head over to our old stomping grounds at
Ethridge for a day of food, fellowship, and some mean games of Rook and Rummicube. It will be great!

You are getting veeerrry sleeeppppyyy...


Donna G said...

I share your feelings of inadequacy about helping with the Katrina victims. But I think if we all just keep doing the little things it will make a big impact.

elizabeth said...

I remember those 2 o'clock feedings! I agree with DJG. We can't stop living our lives because of this tragedy. We can do our part in helping comfort the victims.

lauren said...

I love to read your blogs and get a glimpse of what my life will be like 8 months from now. I LOVE my sleep and just thinking about being up at 2 am makes me very sleepy!

Serena Voss said...

Hurray for grandparents!