Thursday, September 22, 2005

Mommy Mush

So, I've been thinking of slogans / t-shirt / bumper sticker sayings for new moms. Here are a few that I've come up w/...

*Spit up ~ the new fragrance from Baby.
*Got milk?
*Good vibrations ~ not just a song by the Beach Boys.
*Engorgement ~ every husbands' Freudian fantasy.
*Poop ~ what color is your baby's?
*Wipies ~ they clean it all.
*I tore all the way ~ what have you done today?
*Giving birth ~ it's the trump card for life.
*My baby smiles and then passes gas ~ what can yours do?
*Baby in carrier + diaper bag + two trips a day to anywhere = buff arms.
*Catheters ~ can't all have one?
*C-sections ~ we're a club all our own.
*Under eye circles ~ the new makeup trend.
*Mommy Olympics categories: Fastest shower time. Can you change a stinky diaper w/ 2 wipes or less? Who has the longest leg hair? Math skills: mulitply the number of ounces your baby eats by the number of diapers you change in a day and divide it by the amount per wipie...
*Sleep ~ who needs to function on 8 hours when you can do it in 3 1/2?
*Babies: Slippery when wet.


I had Hadlee's newborn pictures taken a couple of weeks ago and yesterday I got to see the proofs, narrow the poses down and pick out which package we wanted in order to officially file for bankruptcy (seriously, $30 for 1 5x7, can you say highway robbery?). They will be back in two more weeks and I can't wait!!!


My parent's met B, HAH and I at the house we were thinking of buying to get the "carpenter's eye" on things... Daddy's words were, "Stay away." We weren't planning on buying this one, we were more interested in the floor plan and the lot but the price had been reduced by several thousand dollars and so we were thinking more seriously about putting in a low ball offer and seeing what happened. So now were back to the original plan of waiting until next spring / summer to begin building. We're looking at lots and going through house plans imagining what we'd like to have and what all we can do on our own or contract out to people who owe Daddy favors in order to really save money. It's an interesting and fun process. My question for you is ~ what do you have that works really well and what did you think you wanted that has turned out to be less than great in your home?


Ok, delirium has officially set in. Please add to the list of slogans. Peas out...


Anonymous said...

I wish we had more pantry space. We do not have any kind of large cabinet in the kitchen, or designated closet, to be able to use for a pantry. I am hoping that by installing a pot rack this will help with some of my cabinet storage problems, but alas, a pantry would be so nice. I absolutely love our laundry/mud room. It opens onto the back deck and is a great place to let in grubby husbands and kids... and practically hose them down if need be! This was the only room in the house where we decided to use linoleum flooring and it has been a Godsend. Another plus was that we forked out the extra moola to carry the hardwood flooring into the kitchen instead of ceramic tile. I love the look and it is much easier on bare feet! I also wish we had a larger shower in our master bath, it is really tiny. We have a big garden tub, but no jets--what were we thinking?! Go for the jets! We also have a full basement that has come in handy for storage and can one day be turned into an extra bedroom and bathroom... we had them go ahead and put the plumbing connections down there when we were building. We loved building our house, the countless trips to Lowe's... it's hectic but worth it in the end. Happy building! --Kim

Anonymous said...

A group of friends and I were helping out another friend yesterday by cleaning her house and that central vacuum unit sure came in handy!