Friday, July 08, 2005

What I like...

White Karo syrup on my french toast.
PB and Grape J w/ Nacho Cheese Doritos on White Bread (Don't knock it till ya try it!).
Having a clean house.
Going into Hadlee's room and touching everything.
Sitting in the garage talking to B while he works on random things such as the 4 wheeler winch.
Diet Sun~drop.
My husband's cooking... anything, esp. if it's grilled.
Living w/in 20 minutes of almost every family member.
Seeing most all of the family members on a regular basis.
Feeling HAH move around in my tummy and watching it look all lopsided and alien-ish.
Counting down the days until she's here and I can hold her, squeeze her, and call her mine!
Laughing at my husband.
Laughing in general.
AC ~ thank you Lord!
Getting gifts for HAH in the mail, or at a shower, or b/c something is one sale that she couldn't possibly do w/out.
Not working outside of the home.
Having a dog who guards nothing but her food and toys.
Nieces and a nephew.
Looking at house plans and thinking about what we'd like to have in our next home.

Now, how 'bout you?


Anonymous said...

I like:
Apples with peanut butter
The beach
getting any kind of mail
Rusty and Dalton - doing ANYTHING with them
ice cream
races at Atlanta
sitting on Donna's deck
finding a Tahari suit on sale
sitting in my old green chair
soaking for an hour
my girls at church
I've got to stop but, that was good after a long day at the office. Oh yeah, I like sending gifts in the mail.

elizabeth said...

I love apples and peanut butter, too!
Cool weather
children's laughter
blue bell ice cream
lunch with my girlfriends
dates with Bryon

Donna G said...

Any time spent with Matthew
Driving FAST
Riding my SeaDoo FAST
Having someone clean my house
Fresh cut grass
Terri's cookies
Being able to help my kids
Books, Books, Books
Movies with David
The goldfish pond
My stupid dogs
Sharing Sarcasm with those who appreciate it!
Enjoying Mexican food & drinks with TL
Clothes that don't have to be ironed.
The girls at church

Anonymous said...

Photos of my children