Wednesday, July 13, 2005

VBS ~ yes!

Nothing like singing "Three Wondering Jews" and "Booster, Booster be a Booster" to really take a gal back to the good ol' days. Plus, tonight was homemade ice cream and cobbler night ~ MMmmmm, mmmmm good! :)

Tomorrow begins the weekly trips to see Dr. Bullard. Not exciting to step on that scale at all ~ in fact, it's just down right mean of them to make me get on the thing.

B grilled the squash tonight, but I'd already had the afore mentioned ice cream and cobbler, so I'll take his word that it was good. Thank you for the recipes!

Tomorrow I am also going to turn in another teaching application (this time for the city schools, not the county). One of my friends called today and said that they wanted me to come for an interview. This is a 7 th grade position ~ reading and history I think. My personal opinion is "Whatever will be, will be." I'm a great teacher, rather compassionate and very NOT mainstream, but ya know, I'm just ready to not be pregnant any more. That's my passion for the time being. :)

Must head off to try to get at least an hour and a half of sleep at a time between all of those potty breaks and 10 minute roll over sessions (and I'm not talking cell phone minutes here people!). Nighty, night.


Anonymous said...

I thought it was "wandering jew"??

Mae said...

Hu, hu, hu! Chock that one up to the pregnancy stupids... though I'd be a "wondering" if I had to do what they did! :)

Anonymous said...

Tricia says:
Abra- Abra- HAM HAM HAM!!! I bet that was NOT my dad leading that song...he refuses to lead it anymore because it turns into a screamfest:) yum, homemade ice cream night.