Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ya heard???

I heard that the local school board members' perception of my class is that I have parties all the time and take my students on weekly field trips for pizza. In actuality, we've had one party (Christmas) and taken 4 field trips (which I don't consider to be many since we have a classroom van for such purposes!), two of which have been to our local retirement home (and Manchester's tallest building, coming in at a whopping 5 stories tall). I asked the person who told me this information why the board members just didn't call and ask ~ his reply was, "Mae Anne, that's not how things are done." (I could hear him adding "Rookie." to the end of that sentence in his head.) I just don't understand. I'm a very detail oriented person. I enjoy having the facts of a specific situation. While I love the small town atmosphere ~ I DETEST the small town politics!!!


We should have HAH's six month pictures by early next week. I'll post them for you to oohh and ahhh over.


One of my students got upset today. We went on a walk to help calm down. (And also had to go over the fact that all 7th graders are temporary idiots who learn by example, not by being told.) On our way back into the classroom I told him he had to make his classmates think that I'd just paddled him and that it hurt like the dickens... he pulled it off. They weren't too happy with me. Yep, just like it should be! I think he deserves at least a few points of extra credit on his third quarter science final, how 'bout you?


13 days 'til our TWO WEEK spring break...

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

So ready for Spring Break! I know you are too!