Thursday, March 23, 2006

Found me, huh?

I'm glad you're here... as long as you are NOT one of my students!!! One of my little jr. high guys googled me today and asked if I had a webiste. I did what every self-respecting teacher would do... I lied and made him get off of the computer ~ and then headed home to change what I could to get my name off of google. I hope this works!

Must get ready for the last day before my busiest spring break ever! We're closing on the house next Firday morning and the movers are coming Friday afternoon. Lord willing everything will work well and the timing will be perfect. If not, then I guess I'll be doing more lifting than originally planned.



Jenni said...

Thanks for the updated info!! Now, my question is do you transfer over all your posts, etc?

Donna G said...

I was wondering that too.

Glad you didn't give up....nosey little brats!

Mae said...

Elizabeth gave the info... all you have to do is change your url under the settings tab. I also removed my name, specific location and other info from my profile. Give it a go if you want! :)

AND, just for you Steph, I un-word-verified!!! Aren't you proud???

Anonymous said...

I found you!!!!

SG said...

I am proud! Sorry but I just nbow checked my e-mail. Remember to change you url on your counter and your profile also. :) Isn't it neat how it just follows you over! If I were you I would claim the old blog address as well and write a little letter to you students! :)