Monday, March 20, 2006

Still Kickin'

Just a note to say hi and that I'm still here. We're supposed to close on the house on the 31st. Thankfully Spring Break is from the 27th until April 9 so I'll have some extra time to pack, unpack and decorate a bit before heading back for the last six weeks before summer break.

Things are so hectic and busy right now. I'm tutoring in the afternoons for some extra decorating $$$ and not getting home until after 5:00. By the time we sit down to eat, talk a bit and bathe HAH it's 9:00 and time to hit the sack. No wonder moms are so tired!

We'll be spending Easter weekend in New Orleans with my college family for Kaleb's third birthday ~ I think we've spent all but 2 Easter's in N.O. since B and I have been married. It's a great tradition! We're going to have a crawfish boil, train party and eat at some mega cool place for Easter dinner. What a great way to spend q time w/ some of my dearest friends!!

When we get back from LA it TCAP testing for two weeks. So much pressure is put on us to teach to this stinkin' test... I'm ready for it to be over and done with! Then it's end of course testing for my freshmen... tests that must be passed in order to go on to the 10th grade ~ even more pressure.. and sometime in there I'm supposed to take my kids on a field trip to see a brain disection (and probably to the Spaghetti Factory just to be cruel and super gross!), laser tag and to Joe's Crab Shack. Yeah, summer couldn't come quickly enough.

B, HAH and I are planning a summer vacation to Santa Rosa, FL ~ one of our favorite spots to relax, and possibly a fall trip to Arizona to visit one of my best friends and her husband before they head off to China for a year... and THEN an Alaskan cruise for just the two of us in the summer of '07.

Plans, plans, plans... where would we be without them?

This may be my last post for a while. Busy packing, closing and moving... our new house is WAAAYY out in the c ountry where no cable, nor dsl lines exist so dial up it will be for a good while. Maybe I'll see you around. Til next time...


Anonymous said...

It's great to hear from you. I hope everything goes smoothly with your move!!!

Donna G said...

Glad to hear the house is almost yours....

Try out Direcway...satellite tv and internet connection...I live WAAYYY out in the country too!