Monday, January 16, 2006

Going where I've never gone before...

I guess I knew the time would come, I just didn't really prepare myself for it ~ this week I'm single moming it. Brandon is in Cancun for the yearly world gathering of patting each other on the back and doing whatever the heck it is that these guys do ~ steaks, sun and golfing usually, with a little business thrown in for good measure. Thankfully it's a short week at work with lots to keep me busy... and there's always the cutest child in the world to keep me company!

My Christmas tree is still sitting in the living room, though the lights have been unplugged for a week or so. It's just kind of become a fixture in it's own little corner next to Artie, Jr. (our rubber treee that just refuses to die).

Once again
classes have begun. I've got a 4 page paper due by midnight of each Saturday night throughout the semester... Mrs. Procrastination may have to turn and find another occupant! I took this class at FHU, but b/c I'm in a graduate program they only transferred 9 of the umpteen million hours I had. I've got notes on theorists coming out of my wazoo. I don't think 4 pages a week will take too much of my brain power to produce... I just need to make sure that I can find the notes from a year and a half ago!

I have the latest pictures of the house on my cell phone, I just don't have the know-how to get them from the cell to here. I may go by and take pictures w/ one of the other cameras so I can post them here. It's so exciting to see the progress... and frightening to know that mortgage payment is right around the corner!

Earlier today B, HAH and I were in
Target. I was paroozing the Baby Einstien section b/c apparently I'm the world's worst mother who is taking away from my daughter's intelligence by not showing here these videos on a daily basis. What the heck??!?!?! I was so overwhelmed by the fact that she could be Einstien, Van Gough, Motzart, and Rimbaldi that I didn't get her any of them ~ help a sista out here! (I'm sure that I totally butchered the above names, obviously it's b/c my mother didn't show me the videos as an infant too. Oh well.)

I just finished reading Jennifer Weiner's latest book, Goodnight Nobody. It's her fourth novel and a great, fast paced read. She's one of my favorite authors, though the content is a bit racey at times. It's a nice escape from reality for a few minutes at a time!

Sleep is calling ~ have a great week. B is under strict orders to find exquisit gifts for his girls ~ I'll let you know the results when he returns Saturday. Til then, toodles.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Baby Einstein is great! My first didn't watch any of them until he was nearly a year old. I didn't know about them either. However, that was what he was allowed to watch - he loved them. Still does. Now #2 is getting to use them. Good developmental "entertainment" that isn't annoying for me! The Beethoven one is a good started as is Bach, Mozart. The VanGogh is for a little older, I think.
Good luck!