Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Dragon and Flower Princess

The flower princess was more than happy to find out that people gave out candy for just being cute. I had a couple errands to run before the kids were dressed and at both stops she scored BIG TIME! This little one has such a sweet tooth; we'll be good to go w/out cavities until kindergarten!

Jack was less than thrilled with his dragon costume. I knew when I ordered their outfits that, depending on the weather, one child would either burn up or the other would freeze. . . and that's just what happened! When we out to trick-or-treat it was right around 70 and a heavy fleece outfit for my little fire ball was just a bit much. Bless!
Since having babies, the Hale's have completely forgone pumpkin carving. Does that make me a bad mom? :)
I'll also go ahead and confess that these are rules in our family:
1. Only children who live in other states and are at least 7 years old are allowed to go inside a fast food restaurant and play on it's playground.
2. There is no such thing as a child's meal toy.
3. Children only go trick-or-treating to their grandparents' houses.
4. Poop is everywhere, so do not touch anything!
5. Santa only brings one gift.
I know, my friends make SO MUCH fun of me for all the "little white lies" but ya know, a mom's gotta do ... :) I hear though, that payback's a #$*(@&.
In other, non baby related news:
And, I totally backed out of our local 5K. One glass of wine on Halloween had me down for the count on Saturday. DaNg It! Oh well.
I'm participating in my first half marathon in just 4 months!!! EGAD! I've got a LOT of training to do. No more wine for the Mae Anne, huh? The Seaside Half is March 1, 2009 and then I'll be doing the Music City Half in late April. Yep, two half marys in 7 weeks! O.M.G.
My ultimate goal is to build up to a full mary and at least olympic triathlons. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll hear, "Mae Anne McCullough Hale, You are an IRONMAN!"
Til next time,
the wino

1 comment:

Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Thanks for the shout out, Mae Anne!! You are so awesome!

I am so stoked about Seaside! We are going to have one heck of a time...speaking of which, I need to get with you about making lodging plans and such. I'll email you shortly.

Oh yeah, and sorry I was a no show Sat morning. Girl, I didn't get out of my pajamas until 1 p.m.! Next Saturday, maybe?!?!