Sunday, November 16, 2008


However, it's the best negative there is... in LBS! I'm down 15 pounds from the beginning of "Mae Anne's on the Move". Sweet. (The down side of that is that I'm almost postitive it's all come from the girls. Sigh.)

This just in... 15 weeks from today I will have completed my first half marathon. Good. Lawd. Have. Mercy.

My goal for Seaside is a lofty one for now... I'll have to do just under 14 minute miles. This morning on my long "run" w/ Lana we averaged 17 min/mile for a total of 5 miles in 1:25, in spitting snow, and among TONS of GR8 conversation! That's really just a brisk walking pace, but it's SOMETHING! If I hadn't had someone there talking w/ me and taking my mind off of how flippin' cold it was and how much I'd have preferred to be in bed, I wouldn't have made it. Thank you so much, Lana!

Goals for this week:

1. Speed work... cuz, seriously. Geriatric snails were passing me at one point today.
2. Breathing. Exercise induced asthma is not my friend. I need to carry my inhaler to help take care of that little hiccup.
3. Make every mile count. Several times (esp. on the treadmill) I'm just watching my dot make its way around the track instead of working on form, speed, breathing, etc. I HaVe to make each moment count so I can pound my goals into the ground!
4. Getting the workouts in before work... that's going to be a large challenge, but one that can be obtained by NOT hitting snooze.
5. Get cold weather gear ASAP! It was 35 degrees when I got back home at 8:00 this morning, brrrr!

The training plans for the next two weeks are:
Mon: Stretch &Strengthen (Yoga / Pilates at home)
Tues: 3.5 m run
Wed:2 m run or cross (Zumba)
Thur: 3.5 m run + strength
Fri: Rest
Sat: 40 min cross (Bike / Swim / Zumba)
Sun: 5 m run

Mon: Stretch & Strengthen (Yoga / Pilates @ home)
Tues: 4 m run
Wed: 2 m run or cross (Brandon's 34th b-day!)
Thur: 4 m run + strength (Turkey Day, Gobble Gobble!)
Fri: Rest (I.e. Shop w/ the other crazies out there!)
Sat: 40 min cross (Bike / Swim / Zumba)
Sun: 6 m run (My last day as a 29 year old, sniff.)

I've got the opportunity to participate in a couple of local 5ks in December and January. I'm looking forward to seeing how my speed improves from the first one I did back in September w/ our running club.

Did I just say "running club?" Who has taken over my body? Age makes a gal do some funny things, huh? I'm SO glad I've started down that path, tho. It's a new week, take a walk w/ a friend.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Mrs. Negative


Unknown said...

yay for 15 pounds off!!! plus, with all the exercise you've been doing, i'd say you've swapped some "fat pounds" for "muscle pounds". and i totally understand about losing it from the one area we'd like to hold on to....same thing happened to me...and i don't have that much to begin with!!! brad reminds me, and i'll pass this on to you...."the weight comes off in the same way a pool drains....the deep end is last" :) so THAT is why my "girls" drained faster than my butt area!!!

Andrea said...

Hooray for you!!!! Congratulations on the big loss! You should be proud of yourself, just keep going one step at a time & you'll be to your goal before you know it.

Bethany said...

Hey! You are doing great!!! We have a long way to go, but we can do it. Good job sticking out those 5 miles yesterday. It was freezing. I would love to meet up some Sundays. Maybe even Turkey day?

Holly Jane said...

Hey girl! Awesome 5 mile run in very uncomfortable conditions! That's dedication. Congrats on the 15 also! Love your blog!