Monday, November 24, 2008


Today I met a friend from church to do a five mile out and back through some nearby neighborhoods. I knew going into it that my heart just wasn't there, but just like rough days of marriage, mothering, and teaching, I knew I could suck it up and push through. My nutrition over the past few days has been less than ideal... I think I may have even been dehydrated most of the afternoon and evening Saturday. Heavy legs that don't seem to bend at the ankle will usually work out and push on right past mile two, but not today. We walked / jogged for three miles and then called it quits. :( Dang it.

At this point in my training I'm supposed to continue to add mileage, but I'm ready for a recovery week! I'm going to build them in every four weeks until it's time to taper for the half mary. For this week I'll take the planned mileage and cut it in half so my longest run will be 3 miles (which I'm going to do on Turkey Day morn w/ Bethany).

This week's plan is:

Mon: Stretch and Strengthen
Tues: 2 m
Wed: 40 min. of Cross
Thurs: 3m
Fri: Rest
Sat: 40 min. of Cross
Sun: 3m

I found a challenge issued by Trisaratops that I'm VERY interested in trying... I'll have to look at other people's plans and figure out if it's doable before I hit it head on.

I'm off of work all week (HOORAH!) and tomorrow I get to take the babies to school AND pick them up for the FIRST TIME!!! I'm finally going to feel like a real mom in their school. I'm SO excited!

Saturday I picked up Heli and Josie for the Kelly's Kids warehouse sale and lunch... While we didn't really find much to get excited about at the sale, lunch and the trip were super fabulous! I'm looking forward to more play dates and lunches soon girls!

I'm praying that once Hadlee ends her current round of antibiotics we'll all be healthy for a while... three weeks in a row w/ sick babies is definitely wearing us all out!


Bethany said...

It happens :( You will bounce back! Even though you know the bad days are out there, it is still hard to cope with them when they happen. Good luck tomorrow. Hopefully it will be smooth and you will feel confident again! Plus it will seem like such a quick work out ;)

Andrea said...

If it makes you feel any better, my eating has been TERRIBLE lately too. I'm sure I'm up this week, especially with all the time at the hospital in the last 2 days.

Oh, I almost hate to tell you this, but Tues/Thurs school runs on the same calendar as the county schools - no school this week.