Sunday, September 28, 2008


On Thursday we had ladies night at church. One of our Shepard's wives was the keynote speaker; her subject was hospitality. Our super fabulous gift from her was a small cookbook of her favorite comfort foods to prepare for showing your own hospitality. (Is it only in the south when that means asking people over for dinner? Or is it all over? :)) Now, I'm not a huge fan of meatloaf, but we just so happen to have had all the ingredients to make it (with the exception of dried mustard). So today we ate meatloaf... and I felt all hospitable, and now am happy and full and watching my Titans beat up on the Vikings. Sunday afternoons ~ they're good stuff.

This pic of Jack was taken yesterday while we were cheering on our poor Volunteers. Is this THE epitome of a TN fan or what?!?!!?!??!?!

On the training front this week things were OK. I missed a swim on Wednesday... I'm going to have to tweak the swim schedule to keep from missing every Wed. afternoon swim! My "running" is making gains that I'm actually proud of. Thursday morning at 5:00 I definitely was not feeling gainful in any way what-so-ever! I headed out for a short 13 min trot through the neighborhood and boy was it awful! Negative self talk was coming at me from every angle. It was just a bad workout all around, but I did the time, stretched and went on with my day.

I really suck at swimming... not that I can't swim, it's the breathing part that screws things up for me. One of the ladies I work with used to life guard so she agreed to help me on Monday afternoons until I find my rhythm and balance and feel more comfortable trying different strokes.

In other news, Friday after work a couple friends and I are heading WAY up north to Fort Wayne, Indiana to the Vera Bradley Fall Outlet Sale. I am SOOOOO friggin' stoked! They recently announced the Spring patterns on their facebook site... I can't wait!

Yesterday Hadlee and I, along with several friends from work, took part in the Memory Walk for the Alzheimer's Association. They had a girl doing face painting for the kiddos so I went from having a three year old to having the HadleeCat for the day. Fun stuff! If I get any more pictures from the other girls I'll try to post them.
I double dog dare you to check out my friend, Andrea's new blog. GO ANDREA!!

Off to do my long run for the week.



Andrea said...

Thanks for the encouragement! Sorry - I didn't get a text today, but Brock was gone with Alyssa & I had Liza so I couldn't have gone this evening anyway, but please check with me again. I think it would be fun, even if I was puffing just to keep you in sight - lol. If I don't talk to you before then - have fun at the outlet. I know you are looking forward to Fall Break as much as I am!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness....i just looked at pics on VB's facebook site of the outlet sale. i about cried with envy! hope you got lots of xmas shopping done!!! (set aside something for me!!! :)

Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Mae Anne - you are doing so well with your training! Don't get discouraged with the just takes time in the water. I will be glad to help you...let me get this IM behind me and we'll start meeting up at the pool.