Saturday, February 04, 2006


HAH is officially sitting up and rolling from her tummy to her back.

I am now "highly qualified" to teach LANGUAGE ARTS grades 7 - 12... isn't it ironic, don't ya think?

Question from one of my students (who may have violated a zero tolerance policy), "Mrs. Mae Anne, do you do drugs?" I'm not sure that he was worried about my health...

After he completed my summative report for my evaluations, my principal gave me a hug and said, "Welcome to the family." ~ He likes me! He really, really likes me!

My Christmas tree is still up... and decorated.

I have yet to begin a research paper which is due by 11:55 p.m. tonight.

I'm still buried under a mountain of paperwork... being in the SPED dept. will do that to a gal. After Feb. 17 a majority of it will be over and done with and (hopefully) I'll be able to relax a bit.

I'm going to be an "Aunt Mave" again!!! Congrats to my New Orleans sister and family for baby #2 ~ she'll be with us in September!!!!

There is nothing like talking out life's problems with a dear friend over the comfort of Cracker Barrel food... & looking around at the fullets (female mullets) and thanking God that our problems really aren't as bad as they seem.

It's bed time... Nighty nite.


jettybetty said...

I still have a bit of Christmas stuff out--I should finish the rest of it today--hmmm--hopefully the paper will just almost create itself in Word--couldn't you have until 11:59 if you really needed the time?

Please enjoy HAH and all the rolling around she's doing!

I love Cracker Barrel--yummmm =-)

Donna G said...


You keep going girl!

SG said...

Fullet? That made me belly laugh! There is so much on your plate right now! Hope you have time to savor it all. :)

Beaner said...

I had to laugh at "fullets" too. And you are MY kind of paper writer! I used to do that stuff all the time in school.

I hope you have some time to breathe this week!!!! Blugs!