Sunday, November 13, 2005

I guess is was inevitable...

This is what I come home to each day... snuggles, love, laughter, giggles, food, fellowship, bath time, King of the Hill, Gilmore Girls, and numerous other gifts. (She really does look just like her father, huh? Not even a LITTLE bit like me???)

I knew that one day I too would have to resort to the veritable creamed corn silence. Sigh. Work stuff...


jettybetty said...

"snuggles, love, laughter, giggles, food, fellowship, bath time, King of the Hill, Gilmore Girls, and numerous other gifts"

That is NO creamed corn--those are blessings from God!!!

Please enjoy!!

Donna G said...

Work is work...leave it there. (I know, easy for me to say) Enjoy the blessings of your precious family!

SG said...

So glad you come home to so much love. Hang in there at work!