Sunday, December 11, 2005

I haven't...

*put up any seasonal decor.
*wrapped a singal gift.
*finished shopping.
*thought about what I'm doing beyond Saturday.
*stopped laughing at Hadlee ~ her personality is really beginning to show, the little comedianne.
*had a good day at work in a l-o-n-g t-i-m-e.
*stopped wishing, hoping, and praying for a snow day.
*been more excited to see a vacation come (just 4 days and one hour... and possibly a personal day tucked in as well!).
*organized anything
*sent out a single card
*had a lot of sleep

So, how 'bout you???

We've got one Christmas dinner down and 7 more to go ~ somehow I think there should be a rule against that. Did anyone see Gray's Anatomy tonight? I'm definitely NOT an Izzy!

Happy Monday... only 12 shopping days left.


Donna G said...

I finally...
put up a tree
and the decorations
addressed a few cards

but haven't ....
bought any gifts
cooked in a LONG time
gotten my hair cut!!

Enjoy your baby, you are choosing the best part!!

elizabeth said...

I wouldn't miss Grey's Anatomy! I admit that I am an Izzy. The Christmasy part, not bawling that a loser cheated on her!

I agree with DJG. Enjoy Hadlee. Wait to go crazy at Christmas until she can enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

No tree, not gonna do one.
No santas on the mantle (sp-1)
Wreaths on the windows outside, garland over the door, china on the table.
Cards were addressed weeks ago... still not in the mail.

...and Ho, Ho, Ho, to you!