Monday, July 14, 2008


If you are among those who need proof that humankind is definitely odd, just hit the "Next Blog" link at the top of this screen. Seriously, weird stuff is out there. It's just a click away.


A short interview with Hadlee "It's awmost my biwfday" Hale

Q. Hadlee, what did you do at the beach?
A. Kissed a boy.
Q. Oh, really? Who did you kiss?
A. Kaleb
Q. Why did you kiss him?
A. We got married.
Q. Oh, well what do married people do?
A. They go home and take a nap.


Ten more days until my school year starts. I thought, many moons ago, that I'd be able to retire after last year... and then Brandon showed me the exact number of dollars that we owe. After I cleaned up the floor I just looked at him and said, "So I guess I'll have to put retirement off for a few years, huh?" Oh well!

I'm moving from eighth grade reading to sixth grade language arts, reading and history. We'll see how things compare.


Hadlee and I were discussing her big 3 year birthday party that's one month from today (GASP!!!! Where did the time go?!??!?!). She's trying to decide between Mermaid and "Cwab" or Care Bears. I'll go w/ the Mermaid theme, just to hear her say "cwab".


This just in... I'm ready to go back to the beach. My dear friend, Vette, and I are going down on a girls only trip over Labor Day weekend... Come on September!


Word to the painting wise... when they tell you that if you get an eggshell finish to your paint that you'll have to paint the entire wall instead of only doing touch ups, they really mean it. We're buying a 5 gallon tub of paint for the painters who will take care of all the nail pops and settling cracks that have happened over the past two years. Fun. I asked if they'd consider painting in all new colors, but he said it wasn't' in the contract. Dang it. :)


Unknown said...

HAHAHAH i loved Hadlee's answer about married people napping!!!! so true so true! i can't open the photographer's blog to see your pictures :( i think it is because the internet police in the country (no joke) are picky about typepad, but are ok with blogger. so, if you could email me someway, i'd appreciate it. mandy said they were wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

I really missed my little babies while they were gone but the pics are beautiful.....can't wait til they get back. Gabba