Thursday, September 07, 2006

Baby Update

It's officially due April 26, and I'm 7 weeks along instead of 15 (YEA! I'm not one of THOSE women who didn't know that she was pregnant until the delivery!!!) We saw the little buuterbean, heard the heartbeat (which was 138 ~ my sister is already saying it's a boy.) and saw that all looks good. The timing is just wonderful. I'll teach up until mid April, right after TCAP testing is over and say GOODBYE! Hopefully finances will work out so that if I return to teaching it will only be on a part time basis. God is good, life is great, Hadlee is screaming.... gotta jet.


Anonymous said...

We get a bowee!!!

Heather said...

Oh my gosh, Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

judging by that due date, you have a perfect child on the way!! i'm so excited for you, and extra excited that we'll be in tennessee for it!!

Clarissa said...

So, over 20 months apart, if all goes as it should. Not bad! But, if you're like I was the second time around, the maternity clothes probably already fit!! 1st time, didn't need them until 7 months. 2nd time, uh, maybe at 4 weeks or so? The poor abs had no time to return to normal -- and by now I doubt they ever will. Oh, well, can't take them with me. (And don't want to.) :-)

Donna said...

Congratulations! My 1st was born 4-16-02, 2nd 04-30-05. Great time of year for babies!
I remember seeing our "shrimp" for the first time as the WTC events were unfolding. An exciting, yet sobering time.
Prayers for this new little one!

SG said...

OH MY!!! I had to remind myself tha we first met when you were having trouble getting Prego with Hadley! It goes so fast! The 2nd pregnancy will go faster than the first... and I did the same thing with Ella Kate ie thought I was 11 weeks but was only 7 ...but as it turns out Ella Kate was born 17 days earlier than my first sonogram projected due date, so maybe I was a bit further along...
A boy would be fun...but then again so would a girl! Congrats again!