Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Just wondering...

Does anyone actually read what I have to say? Just wanted to know so that I could throw in little things to make you laugh, cry smile or curse. Take your pick.
My first grad school final is tomorrow. I'll say goodbye to Marriage and Family and hello to Group Counseling, while entertaining Clinical Intervention on the side. Pray for me, and my husband ~ he's the one living with the juggling entertainer!
I put a pop-up blocker on my 'puter and now it won't let me do the blog spell check. Sorry for any mistakes! Feel free to correct them if you are a controlling perfectionist,otherwise, let me know how to reverse the situation...
Tidings of Joy :)


Serena Voss said...


I hope you enjoy your counseling graduate study courses as much as I did mine. It was one of the most enlightening times in my life and one of the most sobering.

God bless you, Serena

SG said...

Catchy title! ;-}